Novembru 15, 2021

Fix Windows 10 Realtek Card Reader Not Working

Realtek Card Reader Software is a collection of drivers in which your card driver will enable the system to communicate with the devices. Realtek Card Reader driver is a popular software to access the card reader. This driver package is essentially required for the proper functionality of the card reader, which allows the system to communicate to other external devices. However, you may sometimes face issues like Realtek PCIE Card Reader not working on your PC. So, if you are also facing this issue, then do not worry. This guide will help you fix your Realtek card reader Windows 10 issues. So, continue reading!

Realtek Card Reader Not Working Windows 10

Kif Waħħal Windows 10 Realtek Card Reader Not Working Issue

Do I Need Realtek Card Reader Software?

If you want to use a USB device or an external data card, you need card reader software to operate it. In other words, without software, you may not be able to transfer any data from the external media to your system. This is usually done with the help of Realtek Card Reader.  

Metodu 1: Issolvi l-problemi Bażiku

Step 1: Try Different USB Ports & Devices

This issue may arise due to a fault in your SD card, SD card reader, USB port, and USB cable. So you should examine all hardware before trying any other solutions.

1. If the issue is caused by the power supply, then jippruvaw re-inserting the USB device after unplugging the laptop mill-provvista tal-enerġija.

2. Connect another USB device with the same USB port to determine if there is an issue with the USB port.

3. Plug the USB device into a different port to rule out issues with the USB ports.

usb device ports laptop. Fix Realtek Card Reader Windows 10 Not Working

4. If you are using a USB cable then, try checking for faulty or damaged cables. Replace the USB cable, if it is damaged.

Pass 2: Ibda mill-ġdid il-PC

You are advised to reboot your system as it often works wonders.

1. Mur lejn il-paġna twieqi Menu tal-Utent tal-Enerġija billi tagħfas Win + X ċwievet simultanjament.

2. Agħżel Itfi jew iddum > Erġa ibda, kif muri hawn taħt.

Select Shut down or sign out. Fix Realtek Card Reader Windows 10 Issues

Metodu 2: Mexxi l-Issolvi l-problemi tal-Ħardware u l-Apparat

There may be issues with the devices and associated hardware resulting in Realtek card reader not working issue in Windows 10 PC. This issue can be solved by running the in-built Windows Hardware and Devices Troubleshooter, as follows:

1. Istampa twieqi  + R ċwievet simultanjament biex tniedi Mexxi Kaxxa tad-Djalogu.

2. Tip msdt.exe -id DeviceDiagnostic u kklikkja OK, kif muri.

Press Windows key and R. Type msdt.exe id DeviceDiagnostic command to open hardware and devices troubleshooter and hit the enter key

3. ikklikkja Li jmiss fuq il Ħardwer u Apparat li jiskopri l-apparat tieqa.

in the hardware and devices troubleshooter click next

4A. Wait for it to detect problems and then, Click Applika din is-soluzzjoni jekk ikun hemm.

Apply this fix Hardware and Devices troubleshooter

Imbagħad, Erġa ibda il-PC tiegħek.

4B. However, the following screen will appear if Is-soluzzjoni tal-problemi ma setgħetx tidentifika l-problema. In this case, you can try the remaining fixes listed in this article.

However, the following screen will appear if it could not identify the issue.

Ukoll Aqra: Waħħal l-Apparat Kompost tal-USB ma jistax jaħdem sew mal-USB 3.0

Method 3: Update/ Rollback Realtek Card Reader Driver

Update the drivers to the latest version or roll back the drivers to the previous version to fix Realtek PCIE Card Reader not working issue.

Method 3A: Update Driver

1. Ikklikkja fuq Windows Search Menu u t-tip maniġer tal-apparat. Ikklikkja miftuħa biex iniedu.

Type Device Manager in the search bar and click Open.

2. Ikklikkja darbtejn fuq Apparat tat-teknoloġija tal-memorja biex tespandiha.

3. Issa, ikklikkja fuq il-lemin Realtek PCIE CardReader driver and click on Aġġorna s-sewwieq.

Nota: The driver name depends upon the Windows version installed on your PC.

update realtek PCIE card reader driver

4. Sussegwentement, ikklikkja fuq Fittex awtomatikament għal sewwieqa options to install the driver automatically.

Now, click on Search automatically for drivers options to locate and install a driver automatically.

5. Ikklikkja fuq Agħlaq to exit the window and restart the computer.

Method 3B: Roll Back Driver

1. Innaviga għal Device Manager > Memory technology devices bħal qabel.

2. Ikklikkja fuq il-lemin fuq Realtek PCIE CardReader driver and click on Properties, kif muri.

open realtek PCIE cardreader driver properties

3. Aqleb għal Tab tas-sewwieq u agħżel Roll Back Driver, kif muri enfasizzat.

4. Ikklikkja fuq Iva in the confirmation prompt and then, click on OK to apply this change.

5. Imbagħad, erġa ibda your PC to make the rollback effective.

Nota: If the option to Roll Back Driver is griż in your system, it indicates that the driver is not updated.

roll back realtek PCIE cardreader driver. Fix Realtek Card Reader Windows 10 Not Working

Metodu 4: Aġġorna l-Windows OS

If you did not obtain any fix by the above-mentioned methods, then the system may be filled with bugs. Microsoft releases updates periodically to fix these. Hence, updating Windows OS would help fix Realtek Card Reader not working issue.

1. Agħfas il-buttuna Windows+I ċwievet flimkien biex tiftaħ Settings.

2. Issa, agħżel Aġġornament u Sigurtà.

select Update and Security. Fix Realtek Card Reader Windows 10 Not Working

3. Ikklikkja fuq Iċċekkja għal aġġornamenti button as shown highlighted.

Check for updates. Fix Realtek Card Reader Windows 10 Not Working

4A. If there are new updates available, then download & jinstallaw Minnhom.

niżżel u installa l-aġġornament tat-twieqi

4B. If there is no update available, the Int aġġornat message will appear.

You’re up to date. Fix Realtek Card Reader Windows 10 Not Working

Ukoll Aqra: Kif Taġġorna s-Sewwieqa tal-Awdjo Realtek HD fil-Windows 10

Method 5: Disable Power Saving Option

Often, Power Saving mode enabled through power options continuously disconnects devices connected to your computer. Thereby, causing Realtek PCIE Card Reader not working issue on Windows 10 desktop/laptop.

1. Mur għal Device Manager > Memory technology devices kif struzzjonijiet fi Method 3A.

2. Ikklikkja fuq il-lemin fuq Realtek PCIE CardReader driver and click on Properties, kif muri.

open realtek PCIE cardreader driver properties

3. Aqleb għal Ġestjoni tal-qawwa tab and uncheck the box marked Ħalli l-kompjuter jitfi dan l-apparat biex jiffranka l-enerġija.

Here, switch to the Power Management tab and uncheck the box Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power. Fix Realtek Card Reader Windows 10 Not Working

4. Fl-aħħarnett, ikklikkja fuq OK biex issalva l-bidliet u erġa ibda is-sistema tiegħek.

Method 6: Disable Automatic USB Selective Suspend

USB Suspend feature, if enabled, USB hub driver may suspend any individual port without affecting the function of other ports. This feature might help you with portable computers. However, you may sometimes face Realtek PCIE Card Reader not working issue when your system is idle. Thus, disabling it might help.

1. Tip Kontroll Panel ġol Windows search bar u kklikkja Open.

Type Control Panel in the search bar and click Open.

2. Agħżel Ara minn > Ikoni kbar, u mbagħad ikklikkja Għażliet tal-Enerġija, kif muri.

go to the Power Options and click on it. Fix Realtek Card Reader Windows 10 Not Working

3. Hawnhekk, ikklikkja fuq Settings tal-pjan ta 'bidla taħt Pjan magħżul taqsima.

select the Change plan settings.

4. Ġol Editja Settings tal-Pjan tieqa, ikklikkja Ibdel is-settings avvanzati tal-qawwa link shown highlighted.

In the Edit Plan Settings window, click on Change advanced power settings. Fix Realtek Card Reader Windows 10 Not Working

5. Now, double-click Issettjar tal-USB biex tespandiha.

double click on usb settings option in Change advanced power settings window

6. Once again, double-click L-issettjar tas-sospensjoni selettiva tal-USB to expand it, as shown.

double click on usb selective supend settings in usb settings in Change advanced power settings window. Fix Realtek Card Reader Windows 10 Not Working

7. Hawnhekk, ikklikkja fuq Fuq il-batterija u ibdel is-setting għal B'diżabilità from the drop-down list, as illustrated below.

select on battery settings to disabled in usb selective supend settings in usb settings in Change advanced power settings window

8. Change the setting to B'diżabilità għall Imdaħħal ukoll.

click Apply then, OK to save changes after disabling usb selective supend settings in usb settings in Change advanced power settings window. Fix Realtek Card Reader Windows 10 Not Working

9. Fl-aħħarnett, ikklikkja fuq Applika > OK biex issalva dawn il-bidliet.

10. Erġa 'ibda l-PC tiegħek u iċċekkja jekk il-kwistjoni tkunx solvuta.


We hope that this helped you jiffissaw Realtek PCIE Card Reader not working issue on Windows 10. Leave your queries/suggestions in the comments section below.