Lulju 27, 2021

How to Reset Google Chrome on Android

How to Reset Google Chrome on Android

Irrisettja l-Google Chrome

Web browsers are the pathways to the modern internet. Of the plethora of web browsers available for free download and use, Google Chrome has remained a user favorite for years. This Google-based web browser has a minimal, easy-to-use interface, and works faster than most of its counterparts; thus, making it an ideal choice for most. But like every software, it tends to slow down at times, and needs to be refreshed to function properly. If your Google Chrome application has slowed down or is experiencing glitches due to bugs, resetting it completely, would be the ideal way to go. Read below to learn how to reset Google Chrome on Android Smartphones.

Why Reset Your Browser?

Browsers today are smarter than ever before. They tend to store most information viz Browsing history, Cookies, Passwords, Auto-fill, etc. in the form of cache. Even though, this helps in loading webpages quicker but, this saved data takes up a lot of space. Over time, as a web browser keeps saving more information, the speedy functioning of your smartphone decreases. In such scenarios, you need to reset your browser. It will restore your browser to its default settings and will delete cache storage data. Moreover, as the data on Google Chrome is linked with your Google account, important information like Bookmarks is saved. Hence, it ensures that your workflow is not hindered in any way.

How to Reset Google Chrome on Android

How to Reset Google Chrome on Android Smartphones

In this small guide, we have explained two methods to reset Google Chrome on Android through mobile settings and through Chrome settings. You can use either of these as per your convenience.

Nota: Peress li l-ismartphones m'għandhomx l-istess għażliet ta 'Settings, u jvarjaw minn manifattur għal manifattur għalhekk, żgura s-settings korretti qabel ma tibdel kwalunkwe.

Ara Ukoll:

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Method 1: Reset Google Chrome via Device Settings

Resetting Google Chrome on Android is fairly simple and can be done directly from the Application Manager on your phone. Clearing Chrome cache data truly resets the app and improves its performance. Here are the steps to reset Google Chrome via Settings:

1. Open Settings u tisfrutta Apps u notifiki.

Tap on the ‘Apps and notifications’ | How to Reset Google Chrome on Android Smartphones

2. On the next screen, tap Ara l-apps kollha, kif muri.

Tap on ‘App info’ or ‘See all apps’

3. From the list of all installed applications, find and tap on chrome, kif muri hawn taħt.

Within the list, find Chrome | How to Reset Google Chrome on Android Smartphones

4. Issa, tektek fuq Ħażna u cache għażla, kif enfasizzat.

Tap on the ‘Storage and cache’

5. Hawnhekk, taptap fuq Manage space biex tipproċedi.

Tap on ‘Manage space’ to proceed | How to Reset Google Chrome on Android Smartphones

6. The Google Chrome Storage screen will appear. Tap Ċara d-Dejta Kollha, kif muri hawn taħt.

Tap on the Clear All Data

7. A dialogue box will ask for your confirmation. Here, tap on OK to delete Chrome app data.

Tap on ‘Ok’ to complete the process

Launch Google Chrome. It will now, operate at its default settings. You can customize it as per your convenience.

Ukoll Aqra: 10 Modi Biex Tiffissa Tagħbija Bil-mod tal-Paġni Fil-Google Chrome

Method 2: Reset Google Chrome via Chrome App

Apart from the aforementioned method, you can clear the cache storage in Chrome from within the app itself.

1. Iftaħ il- Google Chrome application fuq it-telefon Android tiegħek.

2. Tektek fuq il - ikona bi tliet tikek mir-rokna ta' fuq tal-lemin tal-iskrin.

Tap on the three dots at the bottom right corner | How to Reset Google Chrome on Android Smartphones

3. From the menu that appears, tap on Settings, kif muri.

Tap on the ‘Settings’ option at the bottom

4. Within the Settings menu, tap the option titled Privatezza u sigurtà.

Find the option titles ‘Privacy and security.’

5. Sussegwentement, tektek Clear browsing data, kif enfasizzat fil-pic mogħtija.

Tap on the Clear browsing data | How to Reset Google Chrome on Android Smartphones

6. Information regarding your browsing activity will be displayed i.e. number of sites you visited, cookies that have been stored, and cache data that has been collected over time. Adjust the preferences in this section and tagħżel the data you want to delete and the data you want to retain.

7. Once you have selected the desired options, tap on Dejta ċara, kif muri.

Tap on ‘Clear data.’

This will clear all cached data from Google Chrome and restore its optimal functionality.


Browsers tend to slow down over time and become slow. The methods mentioned above bring back life to crammed-up browsers. If you have any queries or suggestions, drop them in the comment section below.

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