30 de março de 2022

Corrigir câmera em uso por outro aplicativo no Windows 10

Corrigir câmera em uso por outro aplicativo no Windows 10

Several users have faced camera used by another app issue when they are trying to access camera in Skype or other similar applications. This issue occurs both in inbuilt and external camera devices and it is reported on versions of Windows 7, 8.1, 10, and 11. To be more precise, this issue is faced after the 20H2 update of the Windows Operating System. The camera in use issue is not specific to any particular application on your device but it occurs on your PC for many reasons. In this guide, you will learn effective troubleshooting methods that will help you fix camera is being used by another application issue.

Corrigir câmera em uso por outro aplicativo no Windows 10

How to Fix Camera In Use by Another App in Windows 10

Here are some valid reasons that contribute to the camera used by another app problem. You are advised to analyze the reasons deeply so that you could follow appropriate troubleshooting methods to resolve the problem so easily.

  • Drivers de câmera ausentes, desatualizados ou incompatíveis.
  • The files and cache in-camera application are corrupt or incompatible with your Operating System.
  • Camera access is not granted in your Windows 10 PC.
  • Antivirus programs may restrict camera access.
  • Aplicativo de câmera corrompido.
  • Some other programs on PC are using your camera.
  • As configurações da câmera não são apropriadas.
  • Windows Defender Firewall is blocking Camera access.
  • Webcam security features are contributing to the error.

We have investigated several technical forums regarding the camera used by another app issue and thereby analyzed the troubleshooting hacks to fix the problem.

Method 1: Close Programs that Use Camera

The camera in your device can only be used by one application at a time. If you guess that other applications are using the camera, you are advised to close all background applications that are active on your device. You can either exit from all programs by closing all of them one by one or by Task Manager. To do so, follow our guide on How to End Task in Windows 10.

Selecione o zoom e finalize a tarefa

In addition, you are advised to disable start-up programs on your Windows 10 PC. To implement the task, follow our guide on 4 Ways to Disable Startup Programs in Windows 10

In addition, you are advised to disable start up programs in your Windows 10 PC.

Método 2: permitir acesso à câmera

If you are experiencing a camera used by another app issue in your Windows 10 computer, there are some chances that access to the camera is not granted appropriately. Also, you can easily fix this issue by allowing access to the camera in Windows Settings. Here are a few steps to grant permission.

1. You can launch Configurações do Windows pressionando Teclas Windows + I simultaneamente.

2. Em seguida, selecione o Privacidade opção como mostrado.

privacy settings. Fix Camera In Use by Another App in Windows 10

3. Em seguida, no painel esquerdo, pesquise e selecione o Câmara opção.

Observação: Certificar-se de que Permitir que aplicativos acessem sua câmera a opção está habilitada conforme ilustrado.

Certifique-se de que a opção Permitir que aplicativos acessem sua câmera esteja ativada

Leia também: Como consertar a câmera Omegle que não funciona

Método 3: execute o solucionador de problemas de hardware e dispositivos

If you find your Windows 10 computer is facing any hardware-related issues, it can be easily sorted by running Solucionador de problemas de hardware e dispositivos. All the issues identified by the troubleshooter will be automatically resolved by the troubleshooter itself. For instance, if there are any corrupt settings in your PC and if there are any specific changes intended to be done, the troubleshooter helps you a lot. Follow our guide to Run Hardware and Devices Troubleshooter to fix issues and implement the steps as instructed.

Em seguida, clique em Próximo

Once you have fixed all the suggestions mentioned at the end of the troubleshooting process, check if you have fixed camera used by another app issue.

Método 4: ativar o driver do dispositivo da câmera

If you have accidentally disabled the webcam or camera in your device settings, you will face camera in use issue. So, if you have disabled the webcam in your device, enable it on your computer as instructed below.

1. Aperte o Tecla do Windows e tipo Gerenciador de dispositivos. Depois, clique em Abra.

Pressione a tecla Windows e digite Gerenciador de Dispositivos. Em seguida, clique em Abrir

2. Assim que Gerenciador de dispositivos janela for aberta, clique duas vezes em Câmeras seção para expandi-lo.

enable Camera device driver. Fix Camera In Use by Another App in Windows 10

3. Agora, clique com o botão direito no dispositivo da câmera e selecione o Ativar dispositivo opção.

Leia também: 8 Best Webcam for Streaming in India (2022)

Método 5: execute a verificação de malware

Several Microsoft experts suggest that, scanning PC will help you maintain your computer threat free. If there are any virus or malware intrusions in your PC, you cannot use external and internal hardware devices. Hence, you are advised to scan your computer as instructed in our guide on How do I Run a Virus Scan on my Computer?

Choose Full Scan in the following window and click the Scan Now button to start the process.

Além disso, se você deseja remover malware do seu computador, consulte nosso guia Como remover malware do seu PC no Windows 10.

Método 6: Atualizar o Windows

Also, if there are any bugs in your PC, they can only be fixed after a Windows update. Microsoft releases regular updates to fix all these bugs thereby sorting camera is being used by another application issue. Hence, ensure if you have updated your Windows Operating System and if there are any updates pending in action, use our guide to Download and Install Windows 10 Latest Update.

Click on install now to download the available updates. Fix Camera In Use by Another App in Windows 10

Após atualizar seu sistema operacional Windows, verifique se você consegue acessar sua câmera.

Leia também: Como consertar nenhuma câmera encontrada no Google Meet

Método 7: Desative o Firewall do Windows

Sometimes, Windows Defender Firewall in your computer might prevent camera access, for some security reasons. If in case, camera has been blocked by Windows Defender Firewall, you have to enable it or disable the Firewall securities temporarily from your computer. If you do not know how to disable Windows Defender Firewall, our guide to Disable Windows 10 Firewall will help you do so.

Agora, marque as caixas para desligar o Firewall do Windows Defender não recomendado

Após acessar sua câmera, certifique-se de habilitar novamente o pacote Firewall, pois um computador sem programa de segurança é sempre uma ameaça.

Method 8: Update or Rollback Camera Drivers

If there are any incompatible or outdated camera drivers in your computer, you will face camera in use issue. To fix the problem, either update the camera drivers or roll back them if necessary.

Opção I: atualizar drivers

1. Tipo Gerenciador de dispositivos in the Windows 10 search menu and click on Abra.

Pressione a tecla Windows e digite Gerenciador de Dispositivos. Em seguida, clique em Abrir

2. Em seguida, clique duas vezes em Câmeras para expandi-lo.

You will see the Cameras on the main panel

3. Agora, clique com o botão direito em seu motorista (say HP TrueVision HD) and then select Atualizar driver.

4. Agora, clique em Pesquisar motoristas automaticamente. This will identify and install the apt drivers automatically.

Now, click on Search automatically for drivers. This will identify and install the apt drivers automatically

5A. If there are updates pending to be installed, the update will be successful.

5B. You will get Os melhores drivers para o seu dispositivo já estão instalados message if the drivers are already updated.

You will get The best drivers for your device are already installed message if the drivers are already updated

6. Exit the window and reinicialização seu PC.

Leia também: Fix This Device is Being Used by Another Application Sound Error

Option II: Rollback Drivers

1. As you did earlier, open Gerenciador de dispositivos e expandir o Câmeras seção.

As you did earlier, open Device Manager and expand the Cameras section

2. Clique com o botão direito do mouse no motorista e selecione o Propriedades opção.

3. Mude para o guia driver e clique em Reverter driver.

Mude para a guia Driver e clique em Reverter driver

4. Clique em OK para salvar as mudanças.

5. Finalmente, clique em Sim in the prompt and restart your computer. Now, you can access your camera.

Leia também: O que é um driver de dispositivo? Como funciona?

Método 9: atualizar aplicativos

You must make sure whether all the applications associated with the Microsoft Store are updated to its latest version. This will ensure if all the inter related apps are up to its latest version thereby fixing camera used by another app problem. Follow the steps as instructed.

1. Tipo Microsoft Store no menu de pesquisa e clique em Abra.

Type Microsoft Store in the search menu and click on Open. Fix Camera In Use by Another App in Windows 10

2. Próximo no Microsoft Store janela, clique no Biblioteca ícone conforme mostrado.

Em seguida, clique no ícone Biblioteca no canto inferior esquerdo da janela da Microsoft Store

3. Agora, clique em Receba as atualizações botão conforme mostrado.

Then, click on the Get updates button. Fix Camera In Use by Another App in Windows 10

4. Em seguida, clique em Atualize tudo botão.

Then, click on the Update all button

5. Espere até chegar Seus aplicativos e jogos estão atualizados pronto.

Wait for the updates to be downloaded to your Windows 10 PC and make sure you get Your apps and games are up to date prompt. Fix Camera In Use by Another App in Windows 10

After updating the apps, check if you have fixed the problem.

Método 10: reinstalar aplicativos problemáticos

For app related problems that are causing you camera is being used by another application issue, you have no other options than to reinstall them. Here are few instructions to reinstall problematic applications in Microsoft Store.

Observação: Neste guia, Zoom é tomado como exemplo.

1. Tipo Painel de controle no menu de pesquisa e clique em Abra.

Type Control Panel in the search menu and click on Open

2. Definir Ver por > Ícones grandes, então clique em Programas e Recursos opção.

Now, click on Programs and Features option

3. Agora, clique em Zoom e selecione o Desinstalar opção.

Now, click on Zoom and select the Uninstall option. Fix Camera In Use by Another App in Windows 10

4. Confirme o prompt, se houver, e reinicialização seu PC depois que o aplicativo for completamente desinstalado.

5. Download Zoom from the site oficial.

Clique no link anexado aqui e clique no botão Download

6. Agora, navegue até Meus Downloads e execute o ZoomInstalador setup file. Wait until the app gets installed on your PC. Now, you can access the camera in the newly installed app.

Leia também: Corrigir câmera que não funciona em equipes

Método 11: registrar novamente a câmera

If none of the above-discussed methods have helped you, then have a try to re-register your camera as instructed below. There are two methods to implement the task.

Opção I: por meio do Windows PowerShell

1. Tipo Powershell na barra de pesquisa e clique em Executar como Administrador como mostrado.

Type Powershell in the search bar and click on Run as Administrator

2. Then, type the following command and hit Tecla Enter.

Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.WindowsCamera | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$($_.InstallLocation)AppXManifest.xml"}

Then, type the following command and hit Enter/ Fix Camera In Use by Another App in Windows 10

3. Wait until the common execution is successful and check if you have fixed camera in use issue .

Opção II: Através do Gerenciador de Dispositivos

1. Abrir Gerenciador de dispositivos na barra de pesquisa do Windows.

Pressione a tecla Windows e digite Gerenciador de Dispositivos. Em seguida, clique em Abrir

2. Agora, expanda o Câmeras seção clicando duas vezes nela.

3. Then, right-click on the camera driver (e.g. HP TrueVisionHD) e selecione o Dispositivo de desinstalação opção.

Now, right-click on the driver and select Uninstall device. Fix Camera In Use by Another App in Windows 10

4. Agora, mude para o Açao Social guia e selecione o Verificar se há alterações de hardware opção.

Now, switch to the Action tab and select the Scan for hardware changes option

Método 12: redefinir o aplicativo da câmera

You can also try resetting your camera application to fix camera used by another app issue. Follow as instructed below

1. Aperte o Tecla do Windows, Tipo Câmarae clique em configurações de aplicativos.

Type Camera in the search menu and click on App settings as shown

2. Em seguida, clique no Limpar opção conforme destacado.

Then, scroll down the screen and select the Reset option. Fix Camera In Use by Another App in Windows 10

3. Em seguida, confirme qualquer solicitação clicando em Limpar.

Next, confirm the following prompt by clicking on Reset

Leia também: Corrigir câmera de laptop não detectada no Windows 10

Método 13: Executar restauração do sistema

If there are any incompatible Windows updates on your computer, your PC will not work as usual it does. So, restore your computer to a state whether everything was working fine. Here are some instructions to restore your PC. To do so, follow our guide on How to use System Restore on Windows 10 and implement the instructions as demonstrated.

Finally, confirm the restore point by clicking on the Finish button. Fix Camera In Use by Another App in Windows 10

Depois de restaurar seu PC com Windows 10, verifique se você pode usar sua câmera.

Method 14: Clean Install Windows 10

If none of the methods have helped you fix the said issue, then you have to clean install your Windows Operating System. To clean boot your computer, implement the steps as instructed in our guide to do a Clean Install of Windows 10

Agora, escolha uma opção na janela Redefinir este PC.


It would be really frustrating not being able to access your camera in the middle of the meetings, but now you would have fixed Camera em uso by another app issue in Windows 10. Keep visiting our page for more cool tips & tricks and leave your comments below. Also, if you have any queries/suggestions regarding this article, then feel free to drop them in the comments section.