فيبروري 13، 2018

غير فعال ڪريو Windows 10 Microsoft Edge نوٽيفڪيشن

If you use Chrome browser on Windows 10, you will regularly be notified that you should use Microsoft Edge as Chrome drains more battery or Chrome is slower than Edge. I found both of these reasons stupid, and this marketing gimmick from Microsoft have left several users disappointed. Apparently, if you use Edge, you will earn rewards, but none of the users wants to see this pushy notification from Windows and is looking to disable them.

غير فعال ڪريو Windows 10 Microsoft Edge نوٽيفڪيشن

First of all, the above notifications are not generated by Microsoft Edge itself, and they are system generated notifications. Like other notification where you can right-click on them and select Disable notification, you can’t do this for these notifications. As the option is greyed out and there is no way to silence them.

To use your Windows peacefully without seeing these so-called Ads from Microsoft, there is a simple toggle that can disable all of these annoying notifications. So without wasting any time let’s see how to Disable Windows 10 Microsoft Edge Notification with the help of the below-listed guide.

غير فعال ڪريو Windows 10 Microsoft Edge نوٽيفڪيشن

پڪ ڪريو ته بحال پوائنٽ ٺاهيو، صرف صورت ۾ ڪجهه غلط ٿي وڃي.

1. سيٽنگ کولڻ لاءِ Windows Key + I کي دٻايو پوءِ ڪلڪ ڪريو سسٽم.

Press Windows Key + I to open Settings then click on System | Disable Windows 10 Microsoft Edge Notification

2. کاٻي هٿ واري مينيو مان، چونڊيو نوٽيفڪيشن ۽ عمل.

3. Scroll down to Notifications section and find “حاصل ڪريو تارنس، چاليون، ۽ تجويزون جيئن توهان Windows استعمال ڪريو".

ھيٺ لٿو جيستائين توھان حاصل ڪريو ٽوٽڪا، ترڪيبون ۽ تجويزون حاصل ڪريو جيئن توھان Windows استعمال ڪندا آھيو

4. You will find a toggle under the above setting, disable it.

صلاح ڏني ته:

اهو توهان کي ڪاميابي سان آهي غير فعال ڪريو Windows 10 Microsoft Edge نوٽيفڪيشن پر جيڪڏھن توھان اڃا تائين ھن مضمون جي حوالي سان ڪي سوال آھن ته پوءِ انھن کان پڇڻ لاءِ آزاد محسوس ڪريو تبصري جي سيڪشن ۾.