Decembra 6, 2016

Opravte chybu zlého volajúceho zo skupiny (BAD_POOL_CALLER)

Opravte chybu zlého volajúceho zo skupiny (BAD_POOL_CALLER)

The Bad Pool Caller error is the Blue screen of Death (BSOD) error, which occurs because of the outdated or corrupt driver installation. In many cases, the new hardware or software you might have recently installed can also cause this error.

Opravte chybu zlého volajúceho zo skupiny (BAD_POOL_CALLER)

Causes of Bad Pool Caller Error (BAD_POOL_CALLER):

  • Because of a damaged hard disk.
  • Outdated, corrupt, or old device drivers.
  • Virus or malware.
  • Corrupt registry information.
  • Damaged or corrupt memory issues.

Some simple miscellaneous fixes to try:

Well, there can be two cases, which are: either you can boot to Windows or you can’t; if you can’t, then follow this post here to enable the legacy advanced boot menu to boot into safe mode.

Fix Bad Pool Caller Error (BAD_POOL_CALLER):

Method 1: Run System File Checker and Check Disk

1. Z Advanced boot menu, boot your PC into safe mode.

2. In safe mode, press Windows key + X and click on Príkazový riadok (správca).

3. Type the following commands into the cmd and hit enter after each one:

sfc /scannow chkdsk /f C:
Príkazový riadok skenovania SFC teraz

4. Once they are completed, exit the command prompt.

5. Next type of memory in the Windows search bar and select “Diagnostika pamäte systému Windows."

6. V zobrazenej skupine možností vyberte „Reštartujte teraz a skontrolujte problémy. "

spustiť diagnostiku pamäte systému Windows

7. After which Windows will reboot to check for possible memory errors and will hopefully diagnose the possible reasons as for why you get the Modrá obrazovka smrti (BSOD) chybná správa.

8. Restart your PC and check if the problem is resolved or not.

Method 2: Run Memtest86

Now run the Memtest86, a 3rd party software, but it eliminates all the possible exceptions of memory errors as it runs outside of the Windows environment.

Poznámka: Before starting, make sure you have access to another computer as you will need to download and burn the software to the disc or USB flash drive. It’s best to leave the computer overnight when running a Memtest as it is likely to take some time.

1. Pripojte USB flash disk k vášmu systému.

2. Prevezmite a nainštalujte Windows Memtest86 Automatická inštalácia pre USB kľúč.

3. Right-click on the image file which you just downloaded and selected the “Extrahujte tu"Možnosť.

4. Po rozbalení otvorte priečinok a spustite súbor Inštalátor USB Memtest86+.

5. Choose you’re plugged USB drive to burn the MemTest86 software (This will format your USB drive).

memtest86 usb inštalačný nástroj

6. Once the above process is finished, insert the USB to the PC, which is giving the Bad Pool Caller Error (BAD_POOL_CALLER).

7. Reštartujte počítač a uistite sa, že je vybraté spustenie z jednotky USB flash.

8. Memtest86 začne testovať poškodenie pamäte vo vašom systéme.


9. If you have passed all the tests, you can be sure that your memory is working correctly.

10. Ak boli niektoré kroky neúspešné, potom Memtest86 will find memory corruption, which means that your BAD_POOL_CALLER blue screen of death error is because of bad/corrupt memory.

11. Aby sa fix a bad pool caller error, budete musieť vymeniť svoju RAM, ak sa nájdu chybné pamäťové sektory.

Method 3: Run Driver Verifier

Táto metóda je užitočná iba vtedy, ak sa môžete normálne prihlásiť do systému Windows, nie v núdzovom režime. Ďalej sa uistite, že ste vytvorili bod obnovenia systému.

Run Driver verifier to fix Bad Pool Caller Error.

That’s it; you have successfully fix Bad Pool Caller Error (BAD_POOL_CALLER), but if you still have any questions regarding this post, feel free to ask them in the comment section, and I will be happy to assist you.