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Februar 19, 2018

Popravite pokvarjen načrtovalnik opravil v sistemu Windows 10

Popravite pokvarjen načrtovalnik opravil v sistemu Windows 10

If you have recently upgraded or downgraded your operating system then chances are your Task Scheduler is broken or got corrupted in the above process and when you try to run Tak Scheduler you will face the error message “The Task XML contains a value which is incorrectly formatted or out of range” or “The task contains an unexpected node.” In any case, you won’t be able to use Task Scheduler at all because as soon as you open it there will be many pop-ups with the same error message.

Popravite pokvarjen načrtovalnik opravil v sistemu Windows 10

Now Task Scheduler lets you perform a routine task on your PC automatically with the help of specific triggers set by users but if you can’t open Task Scheduler then you won’t be able to use it services. So without wasting any time let’s see how to Fix Broken Task Scheduler in Windows 10 with the help of below-listed troubleshooting guide.

Popravite pokvarjen načrtovalnik opravil v sistemu Windows 10

Ne pozabite ustvariti obnovitvene točke, če gre kaj narobe.

1. način: Izvedite obnovitev sistema

1. Pritisnite tipko Windows + R in vnesite »sysdm.cpl« nato pritisnite enter.

sistemske lastnosti sysdm

2.Select Zaščita sistema zavihek in izberite Obnovitev sistema.

obnovitev sistema v lastnostih sistema

3. Kliknite Naprej in izberite želeno Točka za obnovitev sistema.

obnovitev sistema

4. Sledite navodilom na zaslonu, da dokončate obnovitev sistema.

5. Po ponovnem zagonu boste morda lahko Fix Broken Task Scheduler in Windows 10.

Method 2: Set Correct Time Zone

1. Pritisnite tipko Windows + I, da odprete Nastavitve nato kliknite na Time & language.

Čas in jezik

2.Make sure the toggle for Nastavi časovni pas samodejno is set to disable.

Prepričajte se, da je stikalo za Samodejno nastavi časovni pas nastavljeno na onemogočeno

3. Zdaj pod Time zone set the correct time zone then restart your PC.

Now under Time zone set the correct time zone then restart your PC

4.See if the issue is resolved or not, if not then try setting the time zone to Central Time (US & Canada).

5. Znova zaženite računalnik, da shranite spremembe.

3. način: Prepričajte se, da je sistem Windows posodobljen

1. Pritisnite tipko Windows + I in nato izberite Posodobitve in varnost.

Posodobitve in varnost

2.Naprej, znova kliknite Preveri za posodobitve in poskrbite, da boste namestili vse čakajoče posodobitve.

kliknite Preveri posodobitve pod Windows Update

3. Ko so posodobitve nameščene, znova zaženite računalnik in preverite, ali lahko Fix Broken Task Scheduler in Windows 10.

Method 4: Repair Tasks

Download this Tool which automatically fixes all the issues with the Task Scheduler and will Fix The task image is corrupt or has been tampered with error. If there are some errors which this tool is not able to fix then manually delete those task in order successfully fix all the issue with Task Scheduler.

Also, see how to Fix The task image is corrupt or has been tampered with error.


To je to, kar imate uspešno Popravite pokvarjen načrtovalnik opravil v sistemu Windows 10 vendar če imate še vedno kakršna koli vprašanja v zvezi s tem vodnikom, jih lahko vprašate v razdelku za komentarje.