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April 12, 2022

Odpravite napako z manjkajočimi prenesenimi datotekami v Steamu

Odpravite napako z manjkajočimi prenesenimi datotekami v Steamu

Steam is a very popular platform to download, install and play video games. It also provides game streaming and social networking services on the platform itself. Several gamers use this platform to play games and communicate with the other gamers and communities to augment the gaming experience altogether. However, sometimes you may have noticed missing downloaded files on Steam. There are numerous reasons why the downloaded steam files will go missing, and you will get the fix missing downloaded files error on Steam error. In this article, you will find solutions to this problem and also get to know how to restore missing downloaded files on Steam. Keep reading further to understand and implement the given methods correctly to fix these issues.

Odpravite napako z manjkajočimi prenesenimi datotekami v Steamu

How to Fix Missing Downloaded Files Error on Steam in Windows 10

Some of the reasons for missing downloaded files Steam error to occur on your system are:

  • Preneseno game files might get corrupted by the Windows Defender.
  • Also, this error can occur if the files are corrupted due to any kind of zlonamerno programsko opremo ali viruse v vašem sistemu.
  • Občasno, Antivirus installed on a system can exempt some downloaded files, which can eventually get missing.
  • Če je vaš system got turned off during the download or installation Postopek, then you may find this error appearing on your system afterward.

As you read, these reasons, amongst other several ones, may create complications and present you with the error. Read on to resolve this fix missing downloaded files error on Steam error by following methods.

1. način: zaženite Steam kot skrbnik

S tekom Parna as an administrator, you will allow it to download, write, and modify the Steam files on your system. It will result in Steam having enough privileges to access files that aren’t accessible without an administrator. Follow the steps below to do the same.

1. Z desno miškino tipko kliknite steam.exe datoteko in izberite Nepremičnine.

Select Properties. Fix Missing Downloaded Files Error on Steam

2. Pojdi združljivost zavihek in preverite Zaženi ta program kot skrbnik možnost.

V meniju Združljivost izberite možnost Zaženi kot skrbnik

3. Na koncu kliknite Uporabi > OK da shranite spremembe.

click the Apply and OK buttons. Fix Missing Downloaded Files Error on Steam

Preberite tudi: Kako skriti dejavnost Steam pred prijatelji

2. način: Popravite mape knjižnice Steam

To repair the possible corrupted files, you can try to repair the Steam library folders. It will detect the corrupted files from the library and repair them, which will eventually fix missing downloaded files error on Steam. To know how to restore missing downloaded files on Steam, read and follow the steps below carefully.

1. Pritisnite tipko Windows tipka, tip Parnain kliknite na Odprto.

Vnesite Steam in v desnem podoknu kliknite Odpri

2. Kliknite Parna možnost v zgornjem levem kotu, kot je prikazano spodaj.

Click the Steam option from the top left corner. Fix Missing Downloaded Files Error on Steam

3. Kliknite na Nastavitve iz menijskih možnosti.

Click on Settings from the menu options

4. Iz Nastavitve okno, kliknite Downloads > STEAM LIBRARY FOLDERS pod Vsebinske knjižnice razdelek, kot je prikazano spodaj.

STEAM LIBRARY FOLDERS. Fix Missing Downloaded Files Error on Steam 

5. V Ljubljani Upravitelj shranjevanja okno, kliknite na ikona s tremi pikami next to the Steam folder, as shown below.

In the Storage Manager window, click the three dotted icon next to the Steam folder

6. Kliknite Mapa za popravilo možnost.

Click the Repair Folder option. Fix Missing Downloaded Files Error on Steam

7. User Account Control pop-up will emerge on your screen stating Ali želite tej aplikaciji dovoliti spreminjanje vaše naprave? Kliknite na Da možnost.

8. After a few moments, the Steam library folder will get repaired, then click on Zapri.

After a few moments, the Steam library folder will get repaired

3. način: Počistite predpomnilnik za prenose

Sometimes corrupted games after downloading leave traces in the download cache folder which causes further interruptions in updating and downloading processes. You can clear the download cache to fix the issue.

1. Odprite Parna aplikacijo in pojdite na Nastavitve kot je prikazano v Metoda 2.

2. V Ljubljani Moji Prenosi kliknite na POČISTI PREDAMNILO ZA PRENOSE možnost.

In the Downloads section, click the CLEAR DOWNLOAD CACHE option

3. klik OK in the following pop-up as shown below to complete the process.

Click OK in the following pop up as shown below to complete the process. Fix Missing Downloaded Files Error on Steam

Preberite tudi: 12 načinov za odpravo težave Steam ne odpre

4. način: Začasno onemogočite protivirusni program (če je na voljo)

Sometimes, the antivirus installed on your system may identify the downloaded steam game files as a threat. And this will lead to it quarantining, modifying, or even deleting the file from the system to prevent further damage. As an antivirus software can detect the unknown game files and term them as a threat, you will have to check if those files are on the quarantine list or you can disable the antivirus temporarily to find the root of the cause. To do that, read our guide on How to Disable Antivirus Temporarily on Windows 10. By reading this, you will know how to disable the antivirus on your device for a short period and get the missing downloaded files Steam error fixed.

Začasno onemogočite protivirusni program

Method 5: Verify Integrity of Game File

If the download process gets interrupted for any reason, the files may get corrupted and you get the missing downloaded files Steam error. To verify the integrity of the file that you have downloaded to make sure the download was successful, follow the step below carefully:

1. Zaženite Parna od Iskanje Windows.

2. Kliknite na KNJIŽNICA možnost, kot je poudarjeno spodaj.

Click the LIBRARY option. Fix Missing Downloaded Files Error on Steam

3. Izberite in z desno miškino tipko kliknite želeno igro v levem podoknu, kot je prikazano spodaj, in kliknite Nepremičnine možnost.

Izberite in z desno miškino tipko kliknite želeno igro v levem podoknu, kot je prikazano spodaj, in kliknite možnost Lastnosti

4. Zdaj kliknite na LOKALNE DATOTEKE možnost v levem podoknu, kot je prikazano spodaj.

Now, click the LOCAL FILES option from the left pane. Fix Missing Downloaded Files Error on Steam

5. Kliknite na Preverite celovitost predstavitvenih datotek ... kot je prikazano spodaj.

5. Kliknite Preveri celovitost predstavitvenih datotek ...

6. Po nekaj trenutkih bodo datoteke igre prišle uspešno potrjeno indicating that the downloaded file is intact and not corrupted.

After a few moments, the game files will get successfully validated indicating that the downloaded file is intact and not corrupted

Preberite tudi: 5 načinov za odpravo težave Steam misli, da se igra izvaja

6. način: Znova namestite igro

If you still couldn’t fix missing downloaded files error on Steam, then consider reinstalling the game whose files are missing. Follow the upcoming steps to perform this method:

1. Pojdi KNJIŽNICA v Parna application as shown in Metoda 5.

2. Right-click on the desired game from the left pane and click Manage > Uninstall kot je prikazano spodaj.

select Manage then Uninstall Uninstall “>

3. Confirm the pop-up window by clicking Odstrani še enkrat.

Confirm the pop up window by clicking Uninstall once again

Any of the above-mentioned methods may work for you and resolve the missing downloaded files Steam error.


So, these were the methods to fix missing downloaded files error on Steam. We hope you were able to learn how to restore missing downloaded files on Steam with the help of the steps mentioned. Feel free to reach out to us with your queries and suggestions via the comments section below.