December 16, 2022

Kako popraviti kodo napake League of Legends 003

Kako popraviti kodo napake League of Legends 003

League of Legends is undoubtedly a famous online multiplayer game, but many users complain that they face League of Legends error code 003 when they try to log in to the LoL servers. If you want to fix League of Legends error 003 on your Windows 10 PC, you have to know the reasons that cause this problem. This covers all the reasons that cause the problem that helps you understand how to fix error code 003 League of Legends on your Windows 10 PC.

Kako popraviti kodo napake League of Legends 003

Kako popraviti kodo napake League of Legends 003

Several reasons contribute to League of Legends error code 003 on your Windows 10 PC. Here are a few of them.

  • Zagnana igra nima upravne pravice. Hence, your PC does not allow it to patch.
  • Tukaj ni dovolj prostora na vašem računalniku. Popravljanje (vključevanje dodatnih kod za izboljšanje igranja) potrebuje nekaj prostora.
  • Namestitvene in konfiguracijske datoteke igre so pokvarjena in jih je treba zamenjati.
  • Odjemalec igre je pokvarjena ali pokvarjen na vašem računalniku.
  • Preveč zaščitniški protivirusni program ali požarni zid je blokiranje igra.
  • zastarela Windows 10 operating system and network drivers.
  • Obstaja no stable internet connection to launch and play the game.
  • Morda obstaja napačno konfiguriran game installation files.
  • Lahko je posledica neprimerno network settings and DNS address configurations.

Continue reading this article to fix League of Legends error 003.

1. način: Osnovni koraki za odpravljanje težav

Firstly let us perform some of basic methods to solve the error.

1A. Znova zaženite računalnik

The general trick to resolve all the temporary glitches associated with League of Legends is to restart your computer. You can restart your PC by following the steps as instructed in our guide 6 Ways to Reboot or Restart a Windows 10 Computer.

znova zaženite računalnik

1B. Monitor Server Uptime

Very often, you may face League of Legends error code 003 due to problems from the server side. To check whether the server is offline or it has some technical problems, follow the below-mentioned steps.

1. Obiščite uradnika Riot server status update page.

Visit the official Riot-server status update page

2. Nato se pomaknite navzdol in izberite League of Legends.

scroll down and select League of Legends

3. Nato izberite svoj Regija in jezik za nadaljevanje.

On the next page, you can see any notifications for server-end errors. If there are any, you have to wait until they are resolved.

if there are any, you have to wait until they are resolved | League of Legends error code 003

Preberite tudi: Popravite kodo napake League of Legends 900 v sistemu Windows 10

1C. Re-sign into Game

Omenjeno napako lahko popravite tudi tako, da se odjavite iz igre, preden se prikaže sporočilo o napaki. Nato lahko počakate nekaj časa ali znova zaženete računalnik. Nato se znova prijavite po spodnjih navodilih.

1. When you are in the game, press Alt + F4 tipke.

2. Zdaj pa kliknite Izpis.

3. Zapustite igra in znova zaženite računalnik.

Kliknite na ponovni zagon

4. Vnesite svoje poverilnice and log in to the game again.

1D. Troubleshoot Internet Connection

There may be some network or bandwidth issues that reduce your internet speed and disrupt your connection. Make sure your connection is stable and has good speed. Visit the Speedtest site and run speed test to check your speed. To resolve this error, you must have a connection speed of at least 5-10 MBPS. Follow our guide to troubleshoot network connectivity on Windows 10.

Zaženite orodje za odpravljanje težav za omrežne kartice v razdelku Najdi in odpravi druge težave v nastavitvah za odpravljanje težav

1E. Nastavite ustrezne nastavitve datuma in časa

Incorrect date and time settings in your computer may contribute to League of Legends error code 003 on Windows PC. To sync the date, region, and time settings in your Windows 10 computer, follow the below-listed instructions.

1. Pritisnite Tipke Windows + I skupaj odpreti Nastavitve okna.

2. Zdaj izberite Čas in jezik možnost, kot je prikazano.

Now, click on Time Language

3. Naprej, v Datum čas zagotovite dve vrednosti Čas nastavite samodejno in Samodejno nastavite časovni pas možnosti so vklopljen.

Set the time zone automatically options are toggled on

4. Nato kliknite Sinhronizirajte zdaj kot je poudarjeno zgoraj. Preverite, ali je težava odpravljena ali ne.

Preberite tudi: Kako izbrisati svoj račun Riot

1F. Zapri vse procese v ozadju

Če je na vašem računalniku z operacijskim sistemom Windows 10 preveč procesov v ozadju, ne morete tako zlahka dostopati do omrežne povezave, saj bodo vsa ta opravila zavzela delež omrežja. Poleg tega bo poraba RAM-a večja in delovanje igre se bo očitno upočasnilo.

Sledite našemu vodniku Kako končati opravilo v sistemu Windows 10, da zaprete vse druge procese v ozadju v računalniku z operacijskim sistemom Windows 10.

Kliknite Končaj nalogo

Ko zaprete vse procese v ozadju, preverite, ali je obravnavana napaka v igri League of Legends odpravljena ali ne.

1G. Posodobite operacijski sistem Windows

All the bugs and erroneous patches in your computer can be fixed by Windows update. Microsoft releases frequent updates to fix all these problems.

Zato se prepričajte, ali uporabljate posodobljeno različico operacijskega sistema Windows in če so v teku kakršne koli posodobitve, uporabite naš vodnik Kako prenesti in namestiti najnovejšo posodobitev sistema Windows 10

Update Windows. How to Fix League of Legends Error Code 003

After updating your Windows Operating System, check if you are able to fix League of Legends Error code 003.

1H. Posodobite omrežne gonilnike

If you want to enjoy any games without any errors, your drivers must be in a perfect state. If the drivers are outdated or faulty, make sure you update them. You can search for the newest releases of drivers from its official websites, or you can update them manually.

Follow our guide on How to Update Network Adapter Drivers on Windows 10 to update your driver and check if you have fixed the discussed issue in LoL.

Update Network Adapter Drivers on Windows 10

Preberite tudi: Popravite napako League of Legends 004 v sistemu Windows 10

1I. Povrni omrežne gonilnike

Sometimes, the current version of your network drivers may cause conflicts in your game, and in this case, you have to restore previous versions of installed drivers. This process is called povrnitev gonilnikov gonilnike računalnika pa lahko preprosto povrnete v prejšnje stanje, tako da sledite našemu vodniku Kako povrniti gonilnike v sistemu Windows 10.

povrni gonilnik

1J. Ponovno namestite omrežne gonilnike

If you do not know how to fix error code 003 League of Legends after updating your network drivers, then reinstall the drivers to fix any incompatibility issues. There are several ways to reinstall drivers on your computer. Yet, you can easily reinstall network adapter drivers as instructed in our guide How to Uninstall and Reinstall Drivers on Windows 10.

odstranitev omrežnega gonilnika

After reinstalling network drivers, check if you can access League of Legends without any errors.

1K Disable Antivirus Temporarily ( if applicable)

One other possible reason that causes the discussed issue is your security suite. When your antivirus programs detect LoL files and folders as a threat, you will face several conflicts. So, read our guide on How to Disable Antivirus Temporarily on Windows 10 and follow the instructions to disable your antivirus program temporarily on your PC.

Disable Antivirus Temporarily | League of Legends error code 003

After you fix League of Legends error code 003 on your Windows 10 PC, make sure to re-enable the antivirus program since a computer without a security suite is always a threat.

Preberite tudi: Popravite blokiranje Avast League of Legends (LOL)

1L. Disable Windows Defender Firewall

Včasih lahko požarni zid Windows Defender v vašem računalniku prepreči odpiranje igre zaradi nekaterih varnostnih razlogov. Če ne veste, kako onemogočiti požarni zid Windows Defender, preberite naš vodnik Kako onemogočiti požarni zid Windows 10 in sledite danim navodilom.

Sledite temu vodniku Dovolite ali blokirajte aplikacije prek požarnega zidu Windows, da dovolite aplikacijo.

izklop požarnega zidu Windows Defender ni priporočljiv

Ko odpravite težavo v LoL, znova omogočite zbirko požarnega zidu, saj je računalnik brez požarnega zidu grožnja.

2. način: zaženite League of Legends kot skrbnik

Če se želite izogniti kodi napake League of Legends 003 v računalniku z operacijskim sistemom Windows 10, zaženite League of Legends kot skrbnik, kot je opisano spodaj.

1. Z desno miškino tipko kliknite League of Legends bližnjica na namizju ali se pomaknite do namestitveni imenik in z desno miškino tipko kliknite nanjo.

2. Zdaj izberite Nepremičnine možnost.

izberite možnost Lastnosti

3. Nato preklopite na združljivost in potrdite polje Zaženi ta program kot skrbnik.

switch to the Compatibility tab and check the box Run this program as an administrator | fix League of Legends error 003

4. Na koncu kliknite Uporabi in OK Da shranite spremembe.

Method 3: Delete LoL_air_client Folder in File Explorer (If Applicable)

Drug preprost način za odpravo napake League of Legends Error 003 je brisanje določene mape v File Explorerju. S tem odstranite poškodovane komponente v sistemu Windows 10, povezane z igro. Tukaj je nekaj korakov za brisanje mape.

1. Pritisnite tipko Tipki Windows + E skupaj odpreti Raziskovalec datotek.

2. Zdaj se pomaknite do naslednje lokacije in jo odprite.

C:Riot GamesLeague of LegendsRADSprojects 

Opomba: Morda boste mapo lol_air_client našli tudi na kakšni drugi lokaciji. Bodite še posebej pozorni na iskanje mape.

You may also find the lol_air_client folder in some other location too. Pay a bit extra attention to finding the folder.

3. Zdaj z desno miškino tipko kliknite lol_air_client folder in kliknite na Brisanje možnost.

right-click on the lol_air_client folder and click on the Delete option | League of Legends error code 003

Ko izbrišete mapo, restart računalnik in preverite, ali ste odpravili težavo v igri League of Legends.

Preberite tudi: Odpravite napako League of Legends Directx v sistemu Windows 10

4. način: prilagodite gostitelje datotek

If the host file has edited entries of League of Legends, you will face fix League of Legends error 003 issue. Hence, you have to remove the entries to resolve the same. Here are a few instructions to tweak hosts entries.

1. Pritisnite Tipki Windows + E skupaj odpreti Raziskovalec datotek.

2. Zdaj preklopite na Poglej zavihek in preverite Skrite predmete polje v Prikaži / Skrij oddelek.

switch to the View tab and check the Hidden items box in the Show hide section | fix League of Legends error 003

3. Now, copy and paste the following path into the navigation pot of File Explorer.

C: WindowsSystem32driversetc

kopirajte in prilepite naslednjo pot v navigacijsko pot

4. Zdaj izberite in z desno miškino tipko kliknite Gostitelji datoteko in izberite Odpri z možnost, kot je prikazano.

right click on the hosts file and select the Open with option

5. Zdaj izberite Beležnica možnost s seznama in kliknite OK kot je prikazano.

select the Notepad option from the list and click on OK | League of Legends error code 003

6. Zdaj pa Gostitelji datoteka bo odprta v Beležnica kot sledi.

datoteka hosts bo odprta v beležnici

7. Dodajte to vrstico na dno datoteke.

8. Zdaj shranite datoteko s klikom na Ctrl+ S keys skupaj.

9. Izhod Beležnica in preverite, ali ste odpravili obravnavano težavo.

5. način: Počisti predpomnilnik in podatke DNS

Nekaj ​​uporabnikov je predlagalo, da jim je brisanje predpomnilnika DNS in podatkov v vašem računalniku pomagalo odpraviti težavo z neuspelim poskusom pridružitve čakalni vrsti. Sledite navodilom.

1. Pritisnite tipko Windows tipka in tip cmd. Nato kliknite na Odprto.

odpri cmd

2. Zdaj vnesite naslednje ukazi enega po enega. Hit Vnesite tipko po vsakem ukazu.

ipconfig / flushdns
ipconfig / release
ipconfig / renew
ponastavitev netsh winsock

ipconfig flushdns. League of Legends error code 003

3. Počakajte, da se ukazi izvršijo in restart vaš računalnik.

Preberite tudi: Odpravite težave z zvokom igre League of Legends

6. način: Počistite prostor na disku

If your PC does not have any drive space to install any new patches from the game, you cannot fix League of Legends error code 003. Hence, firstly check the drive space and clean the temporary files if necessary. To check the drive space in your Windows 10 PC, check the disk space under Naprave in gonilniki as shown. If they are in red, it indicates the minimum available space.

If there is minimum available space in your computer contributing to the discussed problem, follow our guide 10 Ways to Free Up Hard Disk Space On Windows, which helps you clear all unnecessary files in your computer.

preklopite na zavihek Več možnosti in kliknite gumb Očisti… pod Obnovitev sistema in senčne kopije

7. način: Spremenite naslov DNS

Several users have suggested that switching to Google DNS addresses may help you fix League of Legends error 003. If you launch the game properly and face an error prompt, follow our guide to change the DNS address. This will help you fix all DNS (Domain Name System) problems so you can launch the game without any hustles.

Izberite ikono Uporabi naslednje naslove strežnikov DNS

After changing your DNS address, check if you can launch LoL without an error screen.

8. način: Uporabite navidezno zasebno omrežje

Still, if you are unable to fix your problem, you can try using Virtual Private Network. It ensures to keep your connection is more private and encrypted. You can change the geographic region with the help of VPN settings so you can fix the discussed issue easily. Although there are so many free VPNs available over the internet, you are advised to use a reliable VPN service to enjoy premium versions and features.

Oglejte si naš vodnik Kaj je VPN in kako deluje? če želite izvedeti več o Virtual Private Limited.

If you are confused about how to set up a VPN on your Windows 10 computer, follow our guide on How to set up a VPN on Windows 10 and implement the same.

Make a VPN Server on Windows 10 | League of Legends error code 003

Ko nastavite povezavo VPN, preverite, ali ste odpravili obravnavano težavo.

Preberite tudi: Odpravite črni zaslon League of Legends v sistemu Windows 10

9. način: Ponastavite omrežne nastavitve

Several users have declared that resetting network settings will resolve strange network connection issues. This method will forget all the network configuration settings, saved credentials, and a lot more security software like VPN and antivirus programs.

Če želite to narediti, sledite našemu vodniku o tem, kako ponastaviti omrežne nastavitve v sistemu Windows 10

potrdite poziv s klikom na Ponastavi zdaj

10. način: Znova namestite igro

Any misconfigured files in League of Legends will lead to an error code 003 League of Legends issue even if you have followed all the above-discussed methods and updated all the pending actions. So, in this case, you have no other option than to reinstall the game. The game is tied up with your account and when you reinstall the game, you will not lose your progress. Here is how to reinstall League of Legends.

1. Pritisnite tipko Windows tipka in tip aplikacije in funkcije. Nato kliknite Odprto.

open apps and features. League of Legends error code 003

2. Pomaknite se navzdol in kliknite League of Legends. Nato izberite Odstrani.

Scroll down and click on League of Legends. Then, select Uninstall

3. Če ste pozvani, znova kliknite Odstrani.

kliknite Odstrani

4. Zdaj pa kliknite Done.

click on Done | League of Legends error code 003

5. Pritisnite tipko Windows tipka, tip % localappdata% in kliknite na Odprto.

Open AppData Local folder. How to Fix League of Legends Error Code 003

6. Dvokliknite na Nemirov igre , da odprete mapo.

Double-click on Riot Games to open the folder

7. Zdaj z desno miškino tipko kliknite Namestite League of Legends euw mapo in izberite Brisanje.

right-click on the Install League of Legends euw folder and select Delete

8. Pritisnite Windows tipka, vrsta % AppData% in pritisnite Vnesite tipko.

Odprite mapo AppData Roaming

9. Izbrišite League of Legends mapo kot prej.

10. Zdaj, znova zaženite računalnik.

11. Nato pojdite na League of Legends uradna spletna stran stran za prenos in kliknite na IGRAJ ZASTONJ možnost.

go to the League of Legends official website download page and click on the PLAY FOR FREE option

12. Vnesite svoje E-mail naslov in kliknite na START.

Enter your Email address and click on START

13. Izberite svoj Datum rojstva in the next step and click on NEXT.

Select your Date of birth in the next step and click on NEXT | fix League of Legends error 003

14. Now, fill in the USERNAME, PASSWORD, and CONFIRM PASSWORD Polja.

15. Označite možnost I agree to the Terms of Service and I have read and acknowledge the Privacy Notice.

16. Nato kliknite NEXT.

click on NEXT

17. Zdaj kliknite na PRENOS ZA WINDOWS gumb.

click on the DOWNLOAD FOR WINDOWS button

18. Kliknite na preneseno namestitveno datoteko to install and run the game.

Click on the downloaded installer file to install and run the game | fix League of Legends error 003

19. Kliknite na namestitev gumb v pozivu.

Click on the Install button in the prompt

20. Finally, relaunch the igra and now you will have a fix for the discussed issue.

Opomba: Številni uporabniki in spletni forumi so poročali, da je ponovna namestitev igre z orodjem Hextech Repair pomagala odpraviti napako. Obiščite uradno spletno stran orodja Hextech Repair in prenesite program. Je brezplačen, zato boste ob namestitvi in ​​zagonu orodja videli možnost ponovne namestitve igre. Sledite navodilom, da odpravite težavo.


Upamo, da vam je bil ta vodnik koristen in da ste ga lahko popravili League of Legends error code 003 on your device. Let us know what you want to learn about next. Also, if you have any queries/suggestions regarding this article, then feel free to drop them in the comments section.