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Junij 13, 2016

How to fix Wireless capability is turned off (Radio is off)

How to fix Wireless capability is turned off (Radio is off): You are having a problem with Wireless Connection (WiFi) because there are no available devices to connect and when you try to troubleshoot then it leaves with error: Wireless capability is turned off (Radio is off). The main problem is that the wireless device is disabled, so let’s try to fix this error.

Wireless capability is turned off

Fix Wireless capability is turned off (Radio is off)

Method 1: Toggling WiFi ON

You may have accidentally press the physical button to izklopite WiFi or some program may have disabled it. If this is the case you can easily fix Wireless capability is turned off error with just a press of a button. Search your keyboard for the WiFi and press it to enable WiFi again. In most cases its Fn(Function key) + F2.

Toggle wireless ON from keyboard

2. način: Zaženite orodje za odpravljanje težav z omrežjem

The built-in Troubleshooter can be a handy tool when you face internet connectivity issues on Windows 10. You can try it to fix your network problems.

1. Z desno miškino tipko kliknite ikona omrežja v opravilni vrstici in kliknite Odpravljanje težav.

Z desno miškino tipko kliknite ikono omrežja v opravilni vrstici in kliknite Odpravljanje težav

2. Odpre se okno Network Diagnostics. Sledite navodilom na zaslonu, da zaženete orodje za odpravljanje težav.

Odpre se okno Network Diagnostics

Method 3: Enable the Network Connection

1. Z desno tipko miške kliknite na ikono omrežja v območju za obvestila in izberite Odprto Omrežne in internetne nastavitve.

Kliknite Odpri središče za omrežje in skupno rabo

2. Spodaj Spremenite omrežne nastavitve, kliknite na Spremenite možnosti adapterja.

Kliknite Spremeni možnosti adapterja

3. Right-click on your Network Connection and then click on Omogoči.

network connections enable wifi

4. Restart your PC and see if you’re to resolve the problem or not.

Method 4: Turn On Wireless capability

1. Z desno tipko miške kliknite na ikono omrežja v območju za obvestila in izberite Odprto Omrežne in internetne nastavitve.

Kliknite Odpri središče za omrežje in skupno rabo

2. Spodaj Spremenite omrežne nastavitve, kliknite na Spremenite možnosti adapterja.

Kliknite Spremeni možnosti adapterja

3. Z desno miškino tipko kliknite WiFi povezava in izberite Lastnosti.

Z desno miškino tipko kliknite svojo omrežno povezavo in nato kliknite Lastnosti

4. klik Konfiguracija next to the wireless adapter.

konfigurirajte brezžično omrežje

5. Then switch to the Power Management tab.

6. Odkljukajte “Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power.”

Počistite polje Dovoli računalniku, da izklopi to napravo za varčevanje z energijo

7. Restart vaš računalnik.

Method 5: Turn WiFi On From Windows Mobility Center

1. Pritisnite Tipka Windows + Q in tip windows mobility center.

2. Inside Windows Mobility Center turn ON your WiFi connection.

Windows mobility center

3. Znova zaženite računalnik.

6. način: Omogočite WiFi iz BIOS-a

Včasih nič od naštetega ne bo uporabno, ker je bil brezžični adapter uporaben onemogočeno v BIOS-u, v tem primeru morate vstopiti v BIOS in ga nastaviti kot privzetega, nato se znova prijaviti in iti na »Center za mobilnost Windows« prek nadzorne plošče in lahko vklopite brezžični adapter PRIŽGI UGASNI.

V BIOS-u omogočite brezžično zmožnost

If nothing works try updating the wireless drivers from tukaj.

Morda bo všeč tudi:

Sporočilo o napaki Wireless capability is turned off (Radio is off) should have been resolved by now, but if you still have any questions regarding this post feel free to ask them in the comments section.