December 16, 2022

How to Fix League of Legends Error Code 003

How to Fix League of Legends Error Code 003

League of Legends is undoubtedly a famous online multiplayer game, but many users complain that they face League of Legends error code 003 when they try to log in to the LoL servers. If you want to fix League of Legends error 003 on your Windows 10 PC, you have to know the reasons that cause this problem. This covers all the reasons that cause the problem that helps you understand how to fix error code 003 League of Legends on your Windows 10 PC.

How to Fix League of Legends Error Code 003

How to Fix League of Legends Error Code 003

Several reasons contribute to League of Legends error code 003 on your Windows 10 PC. Here are a few of them.

  • Mutambo wakatangwa hauna kodzero dzekutonga. Hence, your PC does not allow it to patch.
  • Hapana nzvimbo yakakwana paPC yako. Patching (chiito chekubatanidza mamwe makodhi ekusimudzira mutambo) inoda imwe nzvimbo.
  • Iwo ekuisa mafaera uye mafaera ekugadzirisa emutambo ari huori uye inofanira kutsiviwa.
  • Mutengi wemutambo ndiye huori kana kuputsika paPC yako.
  • Iyo yakawandisa antivirus chirongwa kana firewall ndeye kudzivira mutambo.
  • chikare Windows 10 operating system and network drivers.
  • Pane no stable internet connection to launch and play the game.
  • Panogona kunge paine misconfigured game installation files.
  • Zvinogona kuva nekuda kwe zvisina kunaka network settings and DNS address configurations.

Continue reading this article to fix League of Legends error 003.

Method 1: Basic Troubleshooting Matanho

Firstly let us perform some of basic methods to solve the error.

1A. Tangazve PC

The general trick to resolve all the temporary glitches associated with League of Legends is to restart your computer. You can restart your PC by following the steps as instructed in our guide 6 Ways to Reboot or Restart a Windows 10 Computer.

tangazve PC

1B. Monitor Server Uptime

Very often, you may face League of Legends error code 003 due to problems from the server side. To check whether the server is offline or it has some technical problems, follow the below-mentioned steps.

1. Shanyira mukuru Riot server status update page.

Visit the official Riot-server status update page

2. Zvadaro, pfugama pasi uye sarudza League pamusoro Legends.

scroll down and select League of Legends

3. Zvadaro, sarudza yako Dunhu neMutauro kuenderera mberi.

On the next page, you can see any notifications for server-end errors. If there are any, you have to wait until they are resolved.

if there are any, you have to wait until they are resolved | League of Legends error code 003

Uyewo Verenga: Gadzirisa League of Legends Error Code 900 pa Windows 10

1C. Re-sign into Game

Iwe unogona zvakare kugadzirisa kukanganisa kwakurukurwa nekusaina kunze kwemutambo meseji isati yauya. Unogona kumirira kwechinguva kana kutangazve komputa yako. Wadaro, saina zvakare sekurairwa pazasi.

1. When you are in the game, press Alt + F4 makiyi.

2. Zvino, tinya Buda.

3. Buda pa mutambo uye tangazve PC yako.

Dzvanya pane restart

4. Pinda yako zvidzidzo and log in to the game again.

1D. Troubleshoot Internet Connection

There may be some network or bandwidth issues that reduce your internet speed and disrupt your connection. Make sure your connection is stable and has good speed. Visit the Speedtest site and run speed test to check your speed. To resolve this error, you must have a connection speed of at least 5-10 MBPS. Follow our guide to troubleshoot network connectivity on Windows 10.

Run the troubleshooter for Network adapters in Find and fix other problems section on Troubleshoot settings

1E. Seta Yakakodzera Zuva & Nguva Zvirongwa

Incorrect date and time settings in your computer may contribute to League of Legends error code 003 on Windows PC. To sync the date, region, and time settings in your Windows 10 computer, follow the below-listed instructions.

1. Tinya Windows + I kiyi pamwe chete kuti tivhure Windows Settings.

2. Zvino, sarudza iyo Nguva & Mutauro sarudzo sezvakaratidzwa.

Now, click on Time Language

3. Tevere, mu Zuva & nguva tab, chengetedza maitiro maviri Ronga nguva pachako uye Gadza nguva yenguva zvoga sarudzo dziri toggled on.

Set the time zone automatically options are toggled on

4. Zvadaro, tinya pa Sync izvozvi sezvaratidzwa pamusoro. Tarisa kuti nyaya yacho yagadziriswa here kana kuti kwete.

Uyewo Verenga: Maitiro ekudzima Akaunti Yako yeRiot

1F. Vhara Yese Background Maitiro

Kana paine akawandisa ekumashure maitiro pane yako Windows 10 PC, haugone kuwana yako network yekubatanidza zviri nyore, sezvo mabasa ese aya achatora chikamu chetiweki. Zvakare, kushandiswa kwe RAM kuchave kwakawanda uye kuita kwemutambo kunononoka sezviri pachena.

Tevedza gwara redu Maitiro ekupedza Basa mukati Windows 10 kuvhara mamwe ese ekumashure maitiro pane yako Windows 10 PC.

Dzvanya pakapera basa

Mushure mekuvhara ese ekumashure maitiro, tarisa kana iyo yakakurukurwa kukanganisa mu League of Legends yakagadziriswa kana kwete.

1G. Gadziridza Windows OS

All the bugs and erroneous patches in your computer can be fixed by Windows update. Microsoft releases frequent updates to fix all these problems.

Saka, ita shuwa kuti uri kushandisa yakagadziridzwa vhezheni yeWindows Operating System uye kana paine zvigadziriso zvakamirira kuita, shandisa gwara redu Matorero uye Kuisa Windows 10 Yekuvandudza.

Update Windows. How to Fix League of Legends Error Code 003

After updating your Windows Operating System, check if you are able to fix League of Legends Error code 003.

1H. Gadziridza Network Drivers

If you want to enjoy any games without any errors, your drivers must be in a perfect state. If the drivers are outdated or faulty, make sure you update them. You can search for the newest releases of drivers from its official websites, or you can update them manually.

Follow our guide on How to Update Network Adapter Drivers on Windows 10 to update your driver and check if you have fixed the discussed issue in LoL.

Update Network Adapter Drivers on Windows 10

Uyewo Verenga: Gadzirisa League of Legends Kanganiso 004 mukati Windows 10

1I. Roll Back Network Drivers

Sometimes, the current version of your network drivers may cause conflicts in your game, and in this case, you have to restore previous versions of installed drivers. This process is called kudzoreredzwa kwevatyairi uye iwe unogona nyore kudzoreredza madhiraivha ekombuta yako kune yavo yapfuura mamiriro nekutevera gwara redu Maitiro ekuRollback Drivers pa Windows 10.

dzosera kumashure mutyairi

1J. Reinstall Network Drivers

If you do not know how to fix error code 003 League of Legends after updating your network drivers, then reinstall the drivers to fix any incompatibility issues. There are several ways to reinstall drivers on your computer. Yet, you can easily reinstall network adapter drivers as instructed in our guide How to Uninstall and Reinstall Drivers on Windows 10.

uninstall network driver

After reinstalling network drivers, check if you can access League of Legends without any errors.

1K. Disable Antivirus Temporarily ( if applicable)

One other possible reason that causes the discussed issue is your security suite. When your antivirus programs detect LoL files and folders as a threat, you will face several conflicts. So, read our guide on How to Disable Antivirus Temporarily on Windows 10 and follow the instructions to disable your antivirus program temporarily on your PC.

Disable Antivirus Temporarily | League of Legends error code 003

After you fix League of Legends error code 003 on your Windows 10 PC, make sure to re-enable the antivirus program since a computer without a security suite is always a threat.

Uyewo Verenga: Gadzirisa Avast Kuvhara League yeNgano (LOL)

1L. Disable Windows Defender Firewall

Dzimwe nguva, Windows Defender Firewall mukombuta yako inogona kudzivirira mutambo kuti uvhurwe nekuda kwezvimwe zvikonzero zvekuchengetedza. Kana iwe usingazive kudzima Windows Defender Firewall, enda kuburikidza negwaro redu Maitiro ekudzima Windows 10 Firewall, uye tevera mirairo yakapihwa.

Unogona kutevedzera gwara iri Bvumira kana Vhura Zvishandiso kuburikidza neWindows Firewall kubvumidza iyo app.

dzima Windows Defender Firewall isingakurudzirwe

Ita shuwa yekugonesa iyo Firewall suite zvakare mushure mekugadzirisa nyaya muLoL sekombuta isina firewall chirongwa kutyisidzira.

Method 2: Mhanya League of Ngano seMutungamiriri

Kuti udzivise League of Legends Error Code 003 pane yako Windows 10 komputa, mhanya League of Legends semaneja sezvakarairwa pazasi.

1. Tinya-kurudyi pane iyo League pamusoro Legends shortcut on the desktop or navigate to the yekuisa dhairekitori uye tinya kurudyi pairi.

2. Zvino, sarudza iyo Properties kuita.

sarudza iyo Properties sarudzo

3. Zvadaro, shandura ku kugarisana tab uye tarisa bhokisi Mhanya chirongwa ichi semukuru.

switch to the Compatibility tab and check the box Run this program as an administrator | fix League of Legends error 003

4. Pakupedzisira, tinya pa Shandisa uye OK kuchengetedza shanduko.

Method 3: Delete LoL_air_client Folder in File Explorer (If Applicable)

Imwe nzira iri nyore yekugadzirisa League of Legends Error 003 ndeyekudzima chaiyo folda muFaira Explorer. Izvi zvinobvisa zvinhu zvakaora zviri mukati mako Windows 10 yakabatana nemutambo. Heano matanho mashoma ekudzima folda.

1. Rova Windows + E kiyi pamwe chete kuti tivhure Faira Explorer.

2. Iye zvino, famba uchienda kunzvimbo inotevera uye uvhure.

C:Riot GamesLeague of LegendsRADSprojects 

Cherechedza: Iwe unogona zvakare kuwana iyo lol_air_client folda mune imwe imwe nzvimbo zvakare. Chengetedza zvishoma kutarisa kutsvaga folda.

You may also find the lol_air_client folder in some other location too. Pay a bit extra attention to finding the folder.

3. Zvino, tinya-kurudyi pane lol_air_client folder uye chengeta pa Kudzima kuita.

right-click on the lol_air_client folder and click on the Delete option | League of Legends error code 003

Paunenge wadzima folda, kutangazve komputa yako uye tarisa kana wakagadzirisa nyaya mu League of Legends.

Uyewo Verenga: Gadzirisa League of Legends Directx Kanganiso mukati Windows 10

Nzira 4: Tweak File Hosts

If the host file has edited entries of League of Legends, you will face fix League of Legends error 003 issue. Hence, you have to remove the entries to resolve the same. Here are a few instructions to tweak hosts entries.

1. Dhinda Windows + E kiyi pamwe chete kuti tivhure Faira Explorer.

2. Zvino, chinja kune maonero tab uye tarisa iyo Zvinhu zvakavanzwa bhokisi mu Ratidza / viga chikamu.

switch to the View tab and check the Hidden items box in the Show hide section | fix League of Legends error 003

3. Now, copy and paste the following path into the navigation Nzira of File Explorer.

C: WindowsSystem32driversetc

kopira uye unamate iyo inotevera nzira munzira yekufambisa

4. Zvino, sarudza uye tinya-kurudyi pane mauto faira uye sarudza iyo Vhura ne sarudzo sezvakaratidzwa.

right click on the hosts file and select the Open with option

5. Zvino, sarudza iyo Notepad sarudzo kubva pane iyo rondedzero uye tinya pa OK sezvakaratidzwa.

select the Notepad option from the list and click on OK | League of Legends error code 003

6. Zvino, the mauto faira richavhurwa mukati Notepad zvinotevera.

iyo faira faira ichavhurwa muNotepad

7. Wedzera mutsara uyu kusvika pasi pefaira.

8. Zvino, chengetedza faira nekudzvanya pa Ctrl+ S keys pamwe chete.

9. Buda Notepad uye tarisa kana wakagadzirisa nyaya yakurukurwa.

Nzira 5: Bvisa DNS Cache & Data

Vashoma vashandisi vataura kuti kubvisa iyo DNS cache uye data paPC yako kwavabatsira kugadzirisa kuedza kujoinha mutsara yakundikana nyaya. Tevera sekurairwa.

1. Rova Windows key uye funga cmd. Zvadaro, tora Open.

vhura cmd

2. Zvino, nyora zvinotevera mirairo mumwe nemumwe. Hit Pinda kiyi mushure mekuraira kwega kwega.

ipconfig / flushdns
ipconfig / release
ipconfig / reva
netsh winsock reset

ipconfig flushdns. League of Legends error code 003

3. Mirira kuti mirairo iitwe uye kutangazve PC yako.

Uyewo Verenga: Gadzirisa League of Legends Ruzha Nyaya

Nzira 6: Bvisa Drive Space

If your PC does not have any drive space to install any new patches from the game, you cannot fix League of Legends error code 003. Hence, firstly check the drive space and clean the temporary files if necessary. To check the drive space in your Windows 10 PC, check the disk space under Zvishandiso uye vatyairi as shown. If they are in red, it indicates the minimum available space.

If there is minimum available space in your computer contributing to the discussed problem, follow our guide 10 Ways to Free Up Hard Disk Space On Windows, which helps you clear all unnecessary files in your computer.

chinja kune Zvimwe Sarudzo tebhu uye tinya paChenesa… bhatani pasi peSystem Restore uye Shadow Copies

Nzira 7: Shandura DNS Kero

Several users have suggested that switching to Google DNS addresses may help you fix League of Legends error 003. If you launch the game properly and face an error prompt, follow our guide to change the DNS address. This will help you fix all DNS (Domain Name System) problems so you can launch the game without any hustles.

Sarudza chiratidzo Shandisa inotevera DNS server kero

After changing your DNS address, check if you can launch LoL without an error screen.

Nzira 8: Shandisa Virtual Private Network

Still, if you are unable to fix your problem, you can try using Virtual Private Network. It ensures to keep your connection is more private and encrypted. You can change the geographic region with the help of VPN settings so you can fix the discussed issue easily. Although there are so many free VPNs available over the internet, you are advised to use a reliable VPN service to enjoy premium versions and features.

Tarisa pagwaro redu Chii chinonzi VPN uye kuti inoshanda sei? kuti udzidze zvakawanda nezve Virtual Private Limited.

If you are confused about how to set up a VPN on your Windows 10 computer, follow our guide on How to set up a VPN on Windows 10 and implement the same.

Make a VPN Server on Windows 10 | League of Legends error code 003

Kana uchinge wamisa kubatana kweVPN, tarisa kana wagadzirisa nyaya yakakurukurwa.

Uyewo Verenga: Gadzirisa League of Legends Black Screen mukati Windows 10

Method 9: Reset Network Settings

Several users have declared that resetting network settings will resolve strange network connection issues. This method will forget all the network configuration settings, saved credentials, and a lot more security software like VPN and antivirus programs.

Kuti uite kudaro, tevera gwara redu pane Maitiro ekusetazve Network Settings pa Windows 10

simbisa chirevo nekudzvanya Reset izvozvi

Nzira 10: Reinstall Game

Any misconfigured files in League of Legends will lead to an error code 003 League of Legends issue even if you have followed all the above-discussed methods and updated all the pending actions. So, in this case, you have no other option than to reinstall the game. The game is tied up with your account and when you reinstall the game, you will not lose your progress. Here is how to reinstall League of Legends.

1. Rova Windows key uye funga mapurogiramu uye maitiro. Wobva wadzvanya pa Open.

open apps and features. League of Legends error code 003

2. Bhura pasi uye tinya pa League pamusoro Legends. Wobva wasarudza Uninstall.

Scroll down and click on League of Legends. Then, select Uninstall

3. Kana ukakumbirwa, tinya zvakare Uninstall.

tinya pane Uninstall

4. Zvino, tinya Done.

click on Done | League of Legends error code 003

5. Rova Windows key, tanga % localappdata% uye tinya Open.

Open AppData Local folder. How to Fix League of Legends Error Code 003

6. Tinya kaviri pa bongozozo Games kuvhura folda.

Double-click on Riot Games to open the folder

7. Zvino, tinya-kurudyi pane Isa League of Legends euw folda uye sarudza Kudzima.

right-click on the Install League of Legends euw folder and select Delete

8. Tinya Windows key, mhando % appdata% uye chengetedza Pinda kiyi.

Vhura folda yeAppData Roaming

9. Delete the League pamusoro Legends folda sezvakamboita.

10. Zvino, reboot PC.

11. Zvadaro, enda kune League pamusoro Legends pamutemo Website download peji uye chengeta pa Tamba MAHARA kuita.

go to the League of Legends official website download page and click on the PLAY FOR FREE option

12. Pinda yako Chikero chetsamba yemumhepo uye tinya START.

Enter your Email address and click on START

13. Sarudza yako Musi wekuzvarwa in the next step and click on NEXT.

Select your Date of birth in the next step and click on NEXT | fix League of Legends error 003

14. Now, fill in the USERNAME, PASSWORD, and CONFIRM PASSWORD minda.

15. Check the option I agree to the Terms of Service and I have read and acknowledge the Privacy Notice.

16. Zvadaro, tinya pa NEXT.

click on NEXT

17. Zvino, tinya pa DOWNLOAD FOR MAhwindo bhatani.

click on the DOWNLOAD FOR WINDOWS button

18. Dzvanya pane downloaded installer file to install and run the game.

Click on the downloaded installer file to install and run the game | fix League of Legends error 003

19. Dzvanya pane gadza button in the prompt.

Click on the Install button in the prompt

20. Finally, relaunch the mutambo and now you will have a fix for the discussed issue.

Cherechedza: Vazhinji vashandisi uye maforamu epamhepo ataura kuti kudzoreredza mutambo neHextech Repair chishandiso kwakabatsira kugadzirisa chikanganiso. Shanyira iyo yepamutemo Hextech Repair chishandiso saiti uye dhawunirodha chirongwa. Izvo ndezvemahara, saka kana iwe ukaisa uye nekuvhura chishandiso, iwe uchaona sarudzo yekudzosera mutambo. Tevera mirairo kugadzirisa dambudziko.

akakurudzira kuti:

Tinovimba kuti gwaro iri raibatsira uye iwe unogona kugadzirisa League of Legends error code 003 on your device. Let us know what you want to learn about next. Also, if you have any queries/suggestions regarding this article, then feel free to drop them in the comments section.