Maret 16, 2022

Fix Teu Bisa Ngundeur ti Microsoft Store

Microsoft Store is from where you can install apps and games on your Windows PC. But sometimes you can’t download from the Microsoft store due to many reasons. Other similar errors include Microsoft Store not installing apps or Microsoft Store won’t install apps, Microsoft Store not downloading apps or can’t download apps from Microsoft Store, and Microsoft Store not installing games. Sometimes you cannot download from the Microsoft Store but we have the methods to fix this issue. We bring to you a perfect guide that will help you fix Microsoft Store not downloading anything issue.

Fix Teu Bisa Ngundeur ti Microsoft Store

How to Fix Can’t Download from Microsoft Store

Here are some possible reasons which can cause Microsoft Store masalah unduhan.

  • Konéksi internét lepat
  • Korupsi cache
  • Kurangna rohangan neundeun
  • Sistem Operasi Luntur

Kami parantos nyusun daptar metode anu bakal ngabantosan anjeun ngalereskeun henteu tiasa ngaunduh aplikasi tina masalah toko Microsoft. Turutan metodeu dina urutan anu sami pikeun ngahontal hasil anu pangsaéna.

Tips ngungkulan Dasar

Ieu sababaraha cara dasar anjeun tiasa ngalereskeun masalah ieu. Coba ieu sateuacan metode anu sanés sareng aranjeunna kedah ngalereskeun masalahna

1. Pencét Konci Windows jeung tipe cmd teras klik dina Ngajalankeun sakumaha administrator.

Search cmd in search menu. Fix Can’t Download from Microsoft Store

2. ngetik Ping dina jandela paréntah terus pencét asup.

Paréntah pikeun pariksa dina sambungan internét

3. Antosan sababaraha detik sarta pariksa keur Pakét: dikirim = x, Ditampi = X, Leungit = X garis. Ieuh X bakal rupa-rupa nurutkeun sambungan anjeun.

  • Lamun nilai tina leungit nyaeta nol ie Leungit = 0 it means your connection is working fine.
  • Lamun nilai tina leungit is positive or negative then your connection is having issues. In that case, try restarting your, switching to an Ethernet connection, atawa ngahubungan Anjeun Internet Service Provider pikeun ngungkulan masalah.

Method 1: Sign in to Microsoft Account

If any login errors are contributing to Microsoft Store not downloading anything, you can fix it by signing in again. Follow the below-mentioned instructions to do so.

1. Pencét Konci Windows, jenis Microsoft Store and click on kabuka.

Microsoft Store in search menu. Fix Can’t Download from Microsoft Store

2. Click your ikon profil tur pilih kaluar option. You will be logged out.

Sign out option

3. Klik daptar sakumaha anu dipidangkeun.

Sign in option. Fix Can’t Download from Microsoft Store

4. milih rekening Microsoft teras klik dina neruskeun.

Microsoft account option under sign in

5. Ketik anjeun kredensial login sareng asup deui ka akun Microsoft anjeun.

Ogé Baca: Dimana rékaman Microsoft Teams disimpen?

Métode 2: Balikan deui Microsoft Store

Upami anjeun masih teu tiasa ngaunduh tina toko Microsoft, cobian nutup aplikasi Microsoft Store sacara manual sareng balikan deui sakumaha anu diparentahkeun di handap.

1. pers Ctrl + Shift + kenop Esc babarengan pikeun muka tugas Manajer.

2. dina prosés tab, klik dina Microsoft Store nuturkeun kana Tugas tugas tombol.

Microsoft Store dina tab Prosés

3. Buka deui Microsoft Store.

Métode 3: Nonaktipkeun Sambungan Méter

A metered connection is used to prevent unnecessary data consumption by apps and programs by setting a data limit. If your network is configured as a metered connection, it may cause Microsoft Store won’t install apps or not installing apps issue. You can turn OFF metered connection as instructed below.

1. Pencét-katuhu dina Wifi or Ethernet ikon di pojok katuhu handap layar tur pilih Buka setélan Network & Internet.

Buka pilihan setelan Internet Jaringan

2. Klik pasipatan pilihan dina panel katuhu.

Properties option. Fix Can’t Download from Microsoft Store

3. Gulung ka handap layar tur togél OFF Tetep sambungan sakumaha metered pilihan dina Sambungan méter.

Pilihan sambungan metered

4. Balik deui ka Microsoft Store sareng cobian pasang aplikasi atanapi kaulinan naon waé. 

Ogé baca: Dimana Microsoft Store Pasang Kaulinan?

Métode 4: Jalankeun Windows Store Apps Troubleshooter

Upami anjeun masih perhatikeun Microsoft Store henteu masang kaulinan maka anjeun tiasa nganggo alat ngungkulan inbuilt pikeun ngaidentipikasi sareng ngalereskeun masalah éta. Turutan léngkah di handap ieu.

1. ngetik Setélan ngatasi masalah in Windows search bar and click on kabuka sakumaha anu dipidangkeun.

Ketik Setélan Troubleshoot dina ménu teang

2. Klik Troubleshooter tambahan sakumaha digambarkeun di handap.

Additional troubleshooters option. Fix Can’t Download from Microsoft Store

3. milih Aplikasi Toko Windows > Jalankeun troubleshooter.

Jalankeun pilihan troubleshooter

4. Sanggeus prosés ngungkulan, lamun alat geus ngaidentifikasi masalah naon, klik dina Larapkeun perbaikan ieu.

5. Turutan parentah nu dibikeun dina prompts saterusna jeung Pareuman terus hurungkeun deui PC Anjeun.

Métode 5: Hapus Windows Store Cache

Upami anjeun masih henteu tiasa ngaunduh tina toko Microsoft maka éta tiasa kusabab file cache anu rusak ngaganggu prosésna. Pikeun mupus cache Microsoft Store, tuturkeun léngkah ieu.

1. buka lalumpatan kotak dialog ku ngaklik kenop Windows + R.

2. ngetik wsreset.exe terus pencét asup.

Ngajalankeun kotak dialog

oge Baca: Kumaha Fix Microsoft Store Henteu Dibuka dina Windows 11

Métode 6: Balikan deui Windows Update Services

Seueur pangguna anu nyarankeun yén Microsoft Store moal masang masalah aplikasi tiasa dibenerkeun ku ngabalikan deui Windows Update Services anu ngatur apdet anu dikaluarkeun ku Microsoft. Ieu kumaha anjeun tiasa ngalakukeun éta.

1. Luncurkeun teh lalumpatan kotak dialog ku mencét tombol kenop Windows + R babarengan.

2. ngetik services.msc terus pencét Lebetkeun konci mun peluncuran Services jandela.

Ngajalankeun kotak dialog

3. Gulung ka handap layar tur-klik katuhu dina Update Windows.

Catetan: Lamun status ayeuna teu ngajalankeun, anjeun tiasa ngalangkungan léngkah di handap ieu.

4. Klik Eureun lamun status ayeuna mintonkeun ngajalankeun.

Window update option. Fix Can’t Download from Microsoft Store

5. Anjeun bakal nampa ajakan; Windows nyobian ngeureunkeun jasa ieu dina Komputer Lokal… Ngadagoan ajakan geus réngsé. Bakal butuh sakitar 3 dugi ka 5 detik.

Service kontrol ajakan

6. Ayeuna, pencét tombol Windows + E kenop sakaligus pikeun ngajalankeun file Explorer. arahkeun ka


7. Pilih sadaya file sareng polder ku mencét Ctrl + A kenop and right-click on them and select pupus.

pilihan Hapus

8. Arahkeun ka C: WindowsSoftwareDistributionDownload jeung pupus all data here similarly.

pilihan Hapus

9. Balik deui ka Services jandela jeung-klik katuhu dina Update Windows. milih ngamimitian pilihan.

Pilihan update Windows

10. Ngadagoan prosés nepi ka rengse.

Service control prompt. Fix Can’t Download from Microsoft Store

Métode 7: Apdet Windows

To resolve any bugs and update-related issues, simply update your Windows 10 PC. An outdated operating system can cause various issues including Microsoft Store not downloading anything error. We suggest you have a glance at Windows updates as instructed in our guide for more information. Follow the steps below to update windows.

1. pers Windows + I konci sakaligus pikeun ngajalankeun setélan.

2. Klik di Ngamutahirkeun & Kaamanan ubin, sakumaha ditémbongkeun.

Update na Kaamanan

3. Dina update Windows tab, klik dina Mariksa apdet tombol.

Click on Check for updates button. Fix Can’t Download from Microsoft Store

4A. Upami apdet énggal sayogi, teras klik Pasang Ayeuna tur turutan parentah pikeun ngapdet.

Klik install ayeuna pikeun ngundeur apdet sadia

4B. Upami teu kitu, upami Windows up-to-date, teras éta bakal ditingalikeun Anjeun up to date dipilampah.

windows update you're up to date message. Fix Can’t Download from Microsoft Store

5. Tungtungna, uihan deui PC Anjeun and check if you have fixed Microsoft Store issue.

Ogé baca: Fix Windows Update Download 0x800f0984 2H1 Kasalahan

Method 8: Install Microsoft Store Apps Updates

Along with system updates, apps and programs in Microsoft Store should be kept updated. Pending updates will block any new application to be installed on your PC leading to Microsoft Store not downloading anything. Follow these steps to update Microsoft Store apps.

1. Buka Microsoft Store from Windows search bar as depicted below.

Microsoft Store in search menu

2. Klik di taman pustaka pilihan di belah kénca juru handap.

Library icon. Fix Can’t Download from Microsoft Store

3. Klik Kéngingkeun pembaruan sakumaha anu dipidangkeun.

Get updates button

4. Klik Perbarui sadayana.

Update all option

5. Wait for the updates to be downloaded and when done you will see Aplikasi sareng kaulinan anjeun parantos diropéa dipilampah.

Your apps and games are up to date message. Fix Can’t Download from Microsoft Store

Ogé Baca: Ngalereskeun Windows 10 0xc004f075 Kasalahan

Métode 9: Robah Alamat DNS

Switching to Google DNS addresses has helped many users when they cannot download from Microsoft store. DNS server fetches IP address of the requested website so it can be displayed. You can change your DNS address and also switch to Google DNS by following our guide about 3 Ways to change DNS settings on Windows 10. After changing your DNS address, check if are able to download from Microsoft store.

Métode 10: Robah Konci Pendaptaran

Aya fitur anu dingaranan Ganti sadaya éntri idin obyék anak sareng éntri idin anu tiasa diwariskeun tina obyék ieu dina pangropéa pendaptaran anjeun. Upami anjeun ngaktifkeun éta pikeun folder khusus, sadaya idin folder indungna bakal dialihkeun ka sadaya subfolderna. Éta tiasa ngabéréskeun masalah sareng anjeun tiasa ngalakukeun ku nuturkeun léngkah-léngkah di handap ieu.

1. Pencét éta Konci Windows, jenis Pangropéa pendaptaran teras klik dina Ngajalankeun sakumaha administrator.

Editor pendaptaran dina menu pilarian

2. Now, in the Windows pendaptaran Editor, navigate to the following jalan.


Folder jalur ka Propil

3. Pencét-katuhu dina propil folder teras klik dina Idin…

4. Dina Idin pikeun Propil jandela, pencét dina maju.

Permissions for Profiles window

5. pariksa Ganti sadaya éntri idin obyék anak sareng éntri idin anu tiasa diwariskeun tina obyék ieu kotak.

Replace all child object permission entries with inheritable permission entries from this object option. Fix Can’t Download from Microsoft Store

6. Klik Larapkeun> OKÉ jeung Balikan deui PC Anjeun.

Métode 11: Reset Windows Update Komponén

Corrupt files in Windows update component can cause several errors related to Microsoft Store. Problems with updating cache may also lead to Microsoft Store not downloading apps. Resetting Windows Update Components will restart essential Windows services like BITS, MSI Installer, Cryptographic and Windows Update Services. You can do the same by following our guide to Reset Windows Update Components on Windows 10

Catetan: Anjeun tiasa make alat perbaikan otomatis pikeun ngareset komponén Windows Update.

Métode 12: Reset Microsoft Store

Resetting Microsoft Store is an extreme option and will remove your log-in details, settings and preferences from your computer but it can work if you cannot download from Microsoft store. Follow these steps.

1. Pencét Konci Windows, jenis Microsoft Store tur pilih setélan aplikasi pilihan.

Pilihan setélan aplikasi

2. Gulung ka handap setélan layar tur klik dina Reset pilihan sakumaha disorot.

Catetan: Anjeun app data will be deleted while resetting Microsoft Store.

Pilihan Reset

3. Klik Reset dina ajakan konfirmasi.

Reset prompt. Fix Can’t Download from Microsoft Store

4. Sanggeus prosés réngsé, balikan deui PC.

ogé Baca: How to Change Country in Microsoft Store in Windows 11

Métode 13: ngadaptarkeun deui Microsoft Store

Saatos ngareset upami anjeun masih teu tiasa ngaunduh ti toko Microsoft, ngadaptar ulang aplikasi tiasa ngalereskeun masalahna. Turutan sakumaha paréntah di handap ieu.

1. Pencét Konci Windows, jenis Windows PowerShell teras klik dina Ngajalankeun sakumaha administrator.

PowerShell dina ménu teang

2. Ayeuna, paste di handap parentah terus pencét Lebetkeun konci.

PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "& {$ manifest = (Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.WindowsStore).InstallLocation + 'AppxManifest.xml' ; Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register $manifest}

Paréntah pikeun ngadaptar deui Microsoft Store

3. Wait for the command to be executed and try opening Microsoft Store again. It should resolve can’t download apps from Microsoft Store issue.

Métode 14: Pasang deui Microsoft Store

Upami pilihan sanés henteu tiasa dianggo pikeun anjeun teras cobian pasang deui Microsoft Store. Éta henteu tiasa dilakukeun nganggo Panel Kontrol atanapi Setélan tapi anjeun tiasa nganggo paréntah PowerShell pikeun masang deui Microsoft Store sapertos anu dibahas di handap ieu.

1. Ngajalankeun Windows PowerShell kalawan hak admin sakumaha maréntahkeun di luhur.

2. ngetik meunang-appxpackage -allusers paréntah jeung pencét Lebetkeun konci.

Command to get package information. Fix Can’t Download from Microsoft Store

3. Milarian Microsoft.WindowsStore tur buka Pakét jeung salinan the line next to it. In this case, it is:

Jalur PackageFullName disorot

4. Go to a new line in the PowerShell jandela jeung tipe dipiceun-appxpackage dituturkeun ku spasi na garis anjeun geus disalin dina léngkah di luhur. Dina hal ieu bakal jadi: remove-appxpackage Microsoft.WindowsStore_22202.1402.2.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe

Catetan: Paréntahna tiasa bénten sakedik dumasar kana versi PC Windows anjeun.

Paréntah pikeun mupus Microsoft Store

5. Bakal mupus Microsoft Store. Pareuman hurungkeun deui PC anjeun.

6. To install it again open Windows PowerShell as an administrator and type the following command, and hit Lebetkeun konci.

Tambah-AppxPackage -register "C: Program FilesWindowsAppsMicrosoft.WindowsStore_11804.1001.8.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbweAppxManifest.xml" -DisableDevelopmentMode

Command to Reinstall Microsoft Store. Fix Can’t Download from Microsoft Store

Now Microsoft store will be reinstalled and can’t download apps from Microsoft Store issue should be fixed.

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Métode 15: Jieun Propil Pamaké Anyar

Sometimes your user profile can get corrupted and it may lead Microsoft Store not downloading anything. You can create a new profile to fix the problem. Follow our guide to Create a Local User Account on Windows 10.

Métode 16: Laksanakeun Boot Beresih

If the issue persists then you can perform a clean boot of your computer. It will start Windows with only the necessary drivers & programs and is used to troubleshoot your Windows problems. You can follow our guide below to Perform Clean boot in Windows 10. Check if Microsoft store is downloading apps and games now.

Metode 17: Laksanakeun System Restore

If none of the methods worked for you then this is your last option. Only do it when it is completely necessary. System restore restores your computer to its previous version and can help run an app like it was before. It might fix Microsoft store error and you can do it by following our guide about How to use System Restore on Windows 10. Now you should be able to download apps and games from Microsoft Store.


Kami ngarepkeun pituduh ieu mangpaat sareng anjeun tiasa ngalereskeun teu bisa ngundeur ti Microsoft Store issue. Let us know which method worked for you the best. If you have any queries or suggestions then feel free to drop them in the comments section.