Juni 26, 2017

Fix Host aplikasi parantos lirén damel kasalahan

If you have an AMD graphic card, then you most probably have used AMD Catalyst Control Centre, but users are reporting that it may get corrupted and shows the error “Host application has stopped working.” There are various explanations as to why this error is caused by the program such as malware infection, outdated drivers or program not being able to access files file necessary for an operation etc.

Catalyst Control Centre: Host application has stopped working

Fix Host aplikasi parantos lirén damel kasalahan

Anyway, this has been creating many problems to AMD users lately, and today we will see how to Fix Host application has stopped working error with the below-listed troubleshooting steps.

Fix Host aplikasi parantos lirén damel kasalahan

Pastikeun nyieun titik pamulihan upami aya anu salah.

Method 1: Unhide the ATI folder in AppData

1. Pencét Windows Key + R lajeng ngetik % localappdata% sarta pencét Lebetkeun.

to open local app data type %localappdata% | Fix Host application has stopped working error

2. Ayeuna klik View > Options.

Click on view and select Options

3. Switch to View tab in the Folder Options window and checkmark “Tampilkeun file sareng polder anu disumputkeun."

mintonkeun payil disumputkeun jeung payil sistem operasi

4. Ayeuna handapeun Polder lokal milarian pikeun ATI and right-click on it then select Sipat.

5. Salajengna, handapeun Attributes section uncheck Hidden option.

Under Attributes section uncheck Hidden option.

6. Klik Larapkeun, dituturkeun ku OK.

7. Reboot your PC to save changes and rerun the application.

Method 2: Update AMD Drivers

Pindah ka link ieu and update your AMD drivers, if this doesn’t fix the error, follow the below steps.

1. Pencét Windows Key + R lajeng ngetik devmgmt.msc sareng pencét Enter pikeun muka Manajer Alat.

devmgmt.msc device manager | Fix Host application has stopped working error

2. Now expand Display adapter and right-click on your AMD card lajeng pilih Perbarui Parangkat Lunak Supir.

right click on AMD Radeon graphic card and select Update Driver Software

3 . On the next screen, select Search automatically for the updated driver software.

milarian otomatis pikeun parangkat lunak supir anu diropéa

4. If no update is found then again right-click and select Perbarui Parangkat Lunak Supir.

5. This time, choose “Kotektak komputer kuring pikeun software supir."

browse my computer for driver software | Fix Host application has stopped working error

6. Salajengna, klik Cikan abdi pilih tina daptar supir alat dina komputer kuring.

hayu atuh milih tina daptar panggerak alat dina komputer abdi

7. milih your latest AMD driver from the list and finish the installation.

8. Reboot PC Anjeun pikeun nyimpen parobahanana.

Method 3: Run application in compatibility mode

1. Napigasi ka jalur ieu:

C:Program Files (x86)ATI TechnologiesATI.ACECore-Static

2. Milarian CCC.exe and right-click on it then select Sipat.

Right click ccc.exe and select run this program under compatibility mode for

3. Switch to compatibility tab and checkmark the box “Jalankeun program ieu dina modeu kasaluyuan pikeun”Teras pilih Windows 7.

4. Klik Larapkeun, dituturkeun ku OK.

5. Reboot PC Anjeun pikeun nyimpen parobahanana. Ieu kedah Fix Host application has stopped working error.

Métode 4: Pastikeun Windows parantos diropéa

1. pers Windows Key + Kuring pikeun muka Setélan teras klik dina Ngamutahirkeun & Kaamanan.

Click on Update & security icon | Fix Host application has stopped working error

2. Ti sisi kénca-leungeun, menu clicks on Update Windows.

3. Ayeuna klik dina "Mariksa apdet"Tombol pikeun mariksa apdet anu sayogi.

Check for Windows Updates | Fix Host application has stopped working error

4. Upami aya apdet anu ngantosan, teras klik Unduh & Pasang apdet.

Pariksa Apdet Windows bakal ngamimitian ngundeur apdet

5. Sakali apdet diundeur, install aranjeunna, sarta Windows anjeun bakal jadi up-to-date.


Éta anjeun parantos suksés Fix Host aplikasi parantos lirén damel kasalahan if you still have any questions regarding this guide then feel free to ask them in the comment’s section.