September 13, 2017

Fix Network Adapter Error Code 31 in Device Manager

If you face error code 31 for Network Adapter or Ethernet Controller in Devie Manager, then this means the drivers have become incompatible or corrupted because of which this error occurs. When you face kode kasalahan 31 it accompanies an error message saying “Device not working properly” which you won’t be able to access the device, in short, you won’t be able to access the Internet. The full error message which users face is as follows:

This device is not working properly because Windows cannot load the drivers required for this device (Code 31)

Fix Network Adapter Error Code 31 in Device Manager

You will come to see this once your WiFi will stop working, as the device drivers have somehow become corrupt or incompatible. Anyway, without wasting any more time let’s see how to actually Fix Network Adapter Error Code 31 in Device Manager with the help of below-listed troubleshooting guide.

Fix Network Adapter Error Code 31 in Device Manager

Pastikeun nyieun titik pamulihan upami aya anu salah.

Method 1: Download the latest Network Adapter Drivers from the manufacturer’s website

You could easily download the latest drivers from your PC manufacturers website or the Network Adapter manufacturer website. In any case, you would easily get the latest driver, once downloaded, install the drivers and then reboot your PC to save changes. This should fix the error code 31 altogether, and you could easily access the Internet.

Method 2: Install Proper Drivers for Network Adapter

1. Pencét Windows Key + R lajeng ngetik devmgmt.msc terus pencét Enter pikeun muka Ménéjer alat.

manajer alat devmgmt.msc

2. Ngalegaan Adaptor jaringan and right-click on your Adaptor jaringan nirkabel tur pilih Sipat.

right click on your network adapter and select properties | Fix Network Adapter Error Code 31 in Device Manager

3. Switch to Details tab and from the Property drop-down select Hardware ID.

Switch to Details tab and from the Property drop-down select Hardware ID

4. Now from the value box right-click and copy the last value which would look something like this: PCIVEN_8086&DEV_0887&CC_0280

5. Once you have the hardware id, make sure to google search the exact value “PCIVEN_8086&DEV_0887&CC_0280” to download the correct drivers.

google search the exact value og hardware ids of your network adapter in order to search for the drivers

6. Download the correct drivers and install them.

Download the correct driver for your network adapter from the list and install it | Fix Network Adapter Error Code 31 in Device Manager

7. Reboot PC Anjeun tur tingal lamun geus bisa Fix Network Adapter Error Code 31 in Device Manager.

Method 3: Uninstall Drivers for Network Adapter

Make sure to backup registry before continuing.

1. Pencét Windows Key + R lajeng ngetik regedit sareng pencét Enter pikeun muka Editor pendaptaran.

Jalankeun paréntah regedit

2. Arahkeun ka konci pendaptaran di handap ieu:


3. Pastikeun anjeun geus disorot Network in the left window pane and then from the right window find Konfigurasi.

Select Network in the left window pane and then from the right window find Config and delete this key.

4. Then right-click on Konfigurasi tur pilih Mupus.

5. Close the Registry Editor and then press Windows Key + R then type devmgmt.msc sareng pencét Enter pikeun muka Manajer Alat.

devmgmt.msc device manager | Fix Network Adapter Error Code 31 in Device Manager

6. Ngalegaan Adaptor jaringan and then right-click on your Adaptor jaringan nirkabel tur pilih Uninstall.

uninstall adaptor jaringan

7. If it asks for confirmation, select Sumuhun.

8. Reboot your PC to save changes, and once the PC restarts the Windows will automatically install the driver.

9. If the drivers are not installed, you need to go to the manufacturer’s website and download them.


Éta anjeun parantos suksés Fix Network Adapter Error Code 31 in Device Manager tapi upami anjeun masih gaduh patarosan ngeunaan tulisan ieu, mangga naroskeun dina bagian koméntar.