April 16, 2018

Fix YouTube Green Screen Video Playback

Fix YouTube Green Screen Video Playback

If you’re facing the green screen issue while playing a video on YouTube, don’t worry because it is caused by GPU Rendering. Now, GPU Rendering makes it possible to use your graphic card for rendering work instead of using CPU resources. All the modern browser have an option for enabling GPU Rendering, which might be enabled by default, but the problem occurs when the GPU Rendering becomes incompatible with system hardware.

Fix YouTube Green Screen Video Playback

The main reason for this incompatibility can be corrupted or outdated graphic drivers, outdated flash player etc. So without wasting any time let’s see how to Fix YouTube Green Screen Video Playback with the help of below-listed troubleshooting guide.

Fix YouTube Green Screen Video Playback

Catetan: Pastikeun nyieun titik pamulihan upami aya anu salah.

Method 1: Disable GPU Rendering

Disable GPU Rendering for Google Chrome

1. Open Google Chrome then click on the tilu titik-titik di pojok katuhu luhur.

Buka Google Chrome lajeng ti sudut katuhu luhur klik dina tilu titik tur pilih Setélan

2. From the menu, click on Setélan.

3. Scroll down, then click on maju to see the advanced settings.

Now in the settings window scroll down and click on Advanced | Fix YouTube Green Screen Video Playback

4. Now Under System mareuman atawa mareuman toggle pikeun “Use hardware acceleration when available”.

A System option will also be available on the screen. Turn off the Use hardware acceleration option from the System menu.

5. Restart Chrome then types chrome://gpu/ dina palang alamat teras pencét Enter.

6.This will display if hardware acceleration (GPU Rendering) is disabled or not.

Disable GPU Rendering for Internet Explorer

1. Pencét Windows Key + R lajeng ngetik inetcpl.cpl terus pencét Enter pikeun muka Pasipatan Internét.

inetcpl.cpl pikeun muka sipat internét

2. Switch to Advanced tab then under Accelerated graphics checkmark “Use software rendering instead of GPU rendering*".

check mark use software rendering instead of GPU rendering internet explorer

3. Klik Larapkeun, dituturkeun ku OK.

4. Reboot PC Anjeun pikeun nyimpen parobahanana tur tingal lamun anjeun bisa Fix YouTube Green Screen Video Playback Issue.

Method 2: Update your Graphics Card Drivers

1. Pencét Windows Key + R lajeng ngetik devmgmt.msc sareng pencét asup pikeun muka Manajer Alat.

devmgmt.msc device manager | Fix YouTube Green Screen Video Playback

2. Salajengna, ngalegaan Témbongkeun adaptor sareng klik katuhu dina Kartu Grafik Nvidia anjeun sareng pilih Aktipkeun

klik-katuhu dina Kartu Grafik Nvidia anjeun sareng pilih Aktipkeun

3. Once you have done this again, right-click on your kartu grafis tur pilih “Perbarui Parangkat Lunak Supir."

Klik-katuhu dina kartu grafis anjeun sareng pilih Update Driver Software

4. Pilih “Milarian otomatis pikeun software supir diropéa"Sareng ngantepkeun prosésna réngsé.

Pilih Pilarian sacara otomatis kanggo parangkat lunak supir anu diropéa

5. Upami léngkah di luhur tiasa ngalereskeun masalah anjeun, maka saé pisan, upami henteu teras teraskeun.

6. Pilih deui "Update Software Dila"tapi waktos ieu dina layar salajengna pilih"Kotektak komputer kuring pikeun software supir."

Select Browse my computer for driver software | Fix YouTube Green Screen Video Playback

7. Ayeuna pilih “Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer.”

Pilih Hayu atuh pilih tina daptar panggerak alat dina komputer abdi

8. Tungtungna, pilih supir cocog ti Anjeun Kartu grafik Nvidia daptar teras klik Salajengna.

9. Hayu prosés di luhur rengse tur balikan deui PC Anjeun pikeun nyimpen parobahanana.


Éta anjeun parantos suksés Fix YouTube Green Screen Video Playback tapi upami anjeun masih gaduh patarosan ngeunaan pituduh ieu, punten naroskeun aranjeunna dina bagian koméntar.