September 27, 2021

How to Factory Reset Surface Pro 3

When your Surface Pro 3 is frozen or you are unable to log in then, this may be the time to factory or soft reset Surface Pro 3. Soft reset of Surface Pro 3 is restarting the device as it will close all the running applications. The data saved in the hard drive will remain as it is, whereas all of the unsaved work will be deleted. Hard reset or factory reset or master reset deletes all system as well as user data. Thereafter, it updates the device to its latest version. Factory reset Surface Pro 3 would be the best option to get rid of minor bugs and issues like screen hang or freeze. We bring to you a perfect guide that will teach you how to factory reset Surface Pro 3. You can proceed with a soft reset or a factory reset as need be. So, let us begin!

How to Factory Reset Surface Pro 3

Soft Reset & Factory Reset Surface Pro 3

Procedure for Surface Pro 3 Soft Reset

The soft reset of the Surface Pro 3 is basically, rebooting alat sakumaha dipedar di handap:

1. Pencet sareng tahan kakuatan button for 30 seconds and let go.

2. Paranti pareum after a while and the screen turns black.

3. Now, press-hold the Volume up + Power buttons together for about 15-20 seconds. The device may vibrate and flash the Microsoft logo during this time.

4. Salajengna, ngabebaskeun all the buttons and wait for 10 seconds.

5. Finally, press and release the kakuatan button to reboot Surface Pro 3.

Catetan: The above procedure is also applicable for the soft reset of Surface Pro, Surface Pro 2, Surface Pro 4, Surface Book, Surface 2, Surface 3, and Surface RT.

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Once you complete all these steps, your device will undergo a soft Reset. It will then restart and function properly. If the problem persists, it is advised to go for Factory reset, and here are the two ways on how to Factory reset Surface Pro 3. Factory reset is usually carried out when the device setting needs to be altered due to improper functionality or when a device’s software gets updated.

Method 1: Factory Reset Using PC Settings

1. Swipe to the left of the screen and tap setélan.

2. Ayeuna, ketok Ngarobih setélan PC, sapertos anu dipidangkeun ieu di handap.

Now, tap Change PC settings | How to Factory Reset Surface Pro 3

3. Di dieu, ketok Update sareng pamulihan tina daptar anu dipasihkeun.

4. Ayeuna, ketok nepungan deui from the left pane.

5. Ketok dina ngamimitian di handap Remove Everything and reinstall Windows.

6. Choose either Hapus file kuring or Fully clean the drive.

Just remove my files or Fully clean the drive

Catetan: If you plan to resell your device, opt for the Sapinuhna ngabersihan drive pilihan.

7. Confirm your choice by tapping Teras.

Catetan: Connect your PC to your device using a portable USB cable.

8. Tungtungna, ketok Reset option. Factory reset of Surface Pro 3 will begin now.

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Method 2: Hard Reset Using Sign-in Options

Alternatively, you can also perform a Hard or Factory Reset Surface Pro 3 by using this method. When you restart your Surface Pro 3 device from the sign-in screen, you get a reset option and you can utilize the same, as follows:

1. Pencet sareng tahan kakuatan button to turn off your Surface Pro 3 device.

2. Now, tap-hold the Konci shift.

Catetan: If you are using an on-screen keyboard, then click on the Shift key.

3. Ayeuna, ketok Uihan deui button while still holding the Shift button.

Pencét tombol Daya teras tahan Shift sareng pencét Balikan deui (bari nahan tombol shift).

Catetan: milih Mimitian deui wae prompt, if it appears.

4. Wait for the restart process to be completed. The Pilih pilihan screen will appear on the screen.

5. Ayeuna, ketok Troubleshoot pilihan, sakumaha ditémbongkeun.

Pilih hiji pilihan dina menu boot canggih windows 10

6. Di dieu, ketok Reset PC Anjeun pilihan.

Finally, select Reset your PC | How to Factory Reset Surface Pro 3

7. Choose any one of the following options to begin the process.

  • Hapus file kuring.
  • Fully clean the drive.

8. Begin the entire reset process by tapping on Reset.


Kami ngarepkeun pituduh ieu mangpaat sareng anjeun tiasa soft reset and factory reset Surface Pro 3. If you have any queries, or suggestions regarding this article, then feel free to drop them in the comments section.