Mars 11, 2023

Hur man ändrar aviseringsljud för olika appar på Samsung

Ändra meddelandeljud

Change Notification Sounds for Different Apps

Samsung has long been a reliable brand when it comes to purchasing electronic devices. Even in the smartphone sector, they have phones in all price categories starting with the low-budget f-series to the comparatively higher m-series, the midrange a-series, and their flagship s-series. Samsung packs its feature-rich yet one of the smoothest One UI as the software skin for its smartphones.

Though One UI already had many customization features, the options have advanced with the release of Android 12-based One UI 4.0 and Android 13-based One UI 5.0. The current One UI 5 takes customization to the next level where the user cannot just choose different sounds for different app notifications but also can choose different sounds for different types of notifications from one single app. If you want to learn how to change notification sounds for different apps Samsung s22. Continue reading the article to know about how to change notification sound on Android.

Hur man ändrar aviseringsljud för olika appar på Samsung

How to Change Notification Sounds for Different Apps on Samsung Device

If you are someone looking for tips about the same, we bring you a helpful guide that will help you with the same.

Notera: Since Android smartphones don’t have the same Settings options, and they vary from manufacturer to manufacturer hence, ensure the correct settings before changing any. The following methods were tried on Samsung Galaxy S20fe 5G baserat på Android 13 OneUI 5.

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1. I Inställningar menu on your Samsung phone, scroll down to navigate appar.

navigate to Apps. How to Change Notification Sounds for Different Apps on Samsung

2. From the list of apps, find and select the app you want to customize notification tone.

Notera: For reference, we have taken WhatsApp.

select the app you want to customize notification tone

3. Knacka på Notifications.

Tryck på aviseringar

4. Now, make sure to toggle on Tillåt meddelanden och aktivera Tillåt ljud och vibrationer. Klicka sedan på Notification categories.

tap on Notification categories. How to Change Notification Sounds for Different Apps on Samsung

5. Choose the type of notifications you want the ringtone to be e.g., Meddelandemeddelanden.


6. Gör det möjligt Varna och tryck på ljud to get the list of ringtones.

Enable Alert and tap on Sound to get the list of ringtones. How to Change Notification Sounds for Different Apps on Samsung

7. Now, from the list select your desired ringtone for that specified category of notification from the app.

select your desired ringtone for that specified category of notification from the app

Repeat the same process for other notification categories and in other apps as well. Voila! You are now ready to never ignore an important notification anymore.

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Can I Change Notifications Sound on Stock Android?

Android holds the freedom to have tons of customization options available everywhere. While every smartphone brand adds its own skin to the base Android software and makes changes to the available features and options. The official Google Android also doesn’t lag behind with the recent Android 12 and Android 13 releases. So, Ja, you can change notifications sound on stock android.

Can I Follow the Same Steps Across all Samsung Devices?

Nästan alla Samsung midrange and flagship smartphones launched in the past 3 years have got the Android 12 One UI 4 and Android 13 One UI 5 updates. If you want to confirm how to change notification sounds for different apps Samsung s22, we are here to help you.

So, yes you can technically follow the same steps as mentioned above for how to change notification sounds for different apps Samsung. To know about how to change text message notification sound on android continue reading.

How To Change Notification Sound On Android?

Now, let’s learn the methods on how to change notification sound on android for Universal Ringtones and notifications.

1. På din Android telefon, öppna Inställningar app.

open the settings menu

2. Välj sedan Sounds and Vibrations.

select Sounds and Vibrations. How to Change Notification Sounds for Different Apps on Samsung

3. Klicka nu på Ringsignal.

tap on the Ringtone

4. Select from the available alternativ.

Välj bland de tillgängliga alternativen

4. Then, go back to the Sounds and Vibrations in Inställningar.

select Sounds and Vibrations. How to Change Notification Sounds for Different Apps on Samsung

5. Klicka nu på Notifikations ljud.

tap on the Notification sound. How to Change Notification Sounds for Different Apps on Samsung

6. Slutligen, välj ljudet från de tillgängliga alternativen.

select the sound from the available options

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How to Change Text Notification Sound on Galaxy S21?

A notification is generally referred to as a pop-up or a message in the form of an icon or a preview. This is to inform the user about some activity while the device was at rest or the app was idle. It draws their attention to anything that is happening, be it a message, an email, a pre-set reminder, or an activity they see on social media. To know how to change text message notification sound on Galaxy S21 you can follow the steps below:

1. Öppet Notiser app på din telefon.

Open Messages app on your phone. How to Change Notification Sounds for Different Apps on Samsung

2. Tryck sedan på tre prickar ikon på höger sida.

tap on the three dots on the right side

3. Klicka nu på Inställningar.

tap on Settings. How to Change Notification Sounds for Different Apps on Samsung

4. Klicka sedan på Meddelanden.

tap on Notifications. How to Change Notification Sounds for Different Apps on Samsung

5. Klicka sedan på Inkommande meddelanden.

6. Klicka nu på ljud and select the sound from the available options and you are done.

tap on Sound and select the sound from the available options and you are done


As users it is convenient to have a different ringtone for priority notifications, so they don’t have to check their phones all the time. We hope that with the help of this guide you were able to learn how to change notification sounds for different apps on Samsung device. If you have any queries or, suggestions then feel free to drop them in the comments section below.


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