Fix This Device Cannot Start Code 10 Error

Fix This Device Cannot Start Code 10 error: Code 10 error generally means that your Windows is not able to properly communicate with one of your software programs. This problem is caused by outdated, incompatible, missing, or corrupt drivers.

In some cases, a code 10 error also pops up if the device manager doesn’t understand the error generated by the driver. But in all these cases hardware is not able to work properly, therefore we recommend you to troubleshoot this issue as soon as possible.

Fix This Device Cannot Start Code 10 Error

A Code 10 error is generated in Device Manager in one of the following situations:

*Device Manager can't start the device.
*One of the drivers that the device needs does not start.
*Device Manager has insufficient information to recognize the error that is bubbled up by the device driver.

Fix This Device Cannot Start Code 10 Error

Method 1: Update the drivers for this device

1. Press Windows key + R then type “devmgmt.msc” and hit Enter to open device manager.

devmgmt.msc ตัวจัดการอุปกรณ์

2. Uninstall the device driver which are having the problem.

network udapter uninstall wifi

3. Now click on Action and select สแกนหาการเปลี่ยนแปลงฮาร์ดแวร์


4. Finally, go to the manufacturer’s website of that device and install the latest drivers.

5. รีบูตเพื่อใช้การเปลี่ยนแปลง

Method 2: Uninstall all USB controllers

1. Press Windows key + R then type “devmgmt.msc” and hit Enter to open device manager.

2. Expand “คอนโทรลเลอร์ Universal Serial Bus” then right-click on each one of them and choose Uninstall.

ถอนการติดตั้งอุปกรณ์ USB ที่ไม่รู้จัก (คำขอตัวอธิบายอุปกรณ์ล้มเหลว)

3. เมื่อคุณมี ลบออกทั้งหมด, การเริ่มต้นใหม่ the computer and Windows will reinstall all of the USB controllers.

Method 3: Additional troubleshooter for USB devices

หากคุณพบ อุปกรณ์นี้ไม่สามารถเริ่มรหัส 10 ข้อผิดพลาด on devices connected by using a USB port, you may also try the Diagnose and fix Windows USB problems automatically with the troubleshooter คลิกที่นี่.

Method 4: Update BIOS if possible

1 กด คีย์ Windows + R จากนั้นพิมพ์ msinfo32 and hit enter to open system information.


2. Note down your BIOS version.


3. Check your motherboard manufacturer’s Website for อัพเดตไบออส

4. อัปเดต BIOS ของคุณ and Restart.


นั่นคือคุณประสบความสำเร็จ Fix This Device Cannot Start Code 10 Error. If you still have any queries regarding this how-to guide please feel free to ask them in the comments and help us grow by sharing this post on social media.
