Category Archives for "Windows 10"

April 18, 2022

How to Run 32 Bit Programs on 64 Bit Windows

64-bit programs run faster and more efficiently than 32-bit applications. Any reasonably modern PC has a 64-bit processor. But, how do you run 32-bit software on a 64-bit computer? Modern computers—those manufactured in the last several years—are powered by 64-bit processors and operating systems and are only natively capable of running 64-bit applications. This is […]

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March 8, 2022

How to Change Fn Key Settings in Windows 10

Remember hitting the F5 key to refresh on your Windows 95 computer? It was almost obsessive. Back in the day, the F1–F12 keys had just one function each, but modern keyboards often include extra functions that you access with an Fn key (also called the Function key).  How are Fn Keys Helpful? The Fn key […]

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January 25, 2022

File System Error (-2147219196) in Windows

Do you keep seeing a message labeled “File system error (-2147219196)” while opening images with the Photos app in Windows 10? Despite sounding like a disk error, it’s an issue that mainly stems from file corruption or broken permissions. Work your way through the fixes that follow to fix “File system error (-2147219196)” in Windows […]

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January 12, 2022

6 Tips and Tricks for Windows 10 Sleep Settings

Windows 10 offers various customizable sleep setting options, so your PC sleeps exactly the way you want. For example, you can set your PC to sleep after a predefined time period has elapsed. You can even make your PC fall asleep when you close your laptop’s lid. In this guide, we’ll take a look at […]

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January 11, 2022

8 Apps to Enable Tabs in File Explorer on Windows 10

One of the most frustrating things about Windows File Explorer is that you can’t have different folders open in separate tabs. It’s a great all-around solution to save time and declutter your desktop, but Windows has historically been against the change.  In 2019, Microsoft added the “Sets” tab management feature to Windows 10, but they […]

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December 16, 2021

How To Fix Overscan in Windows 10 to Fit to Screen

In simpler words, an overscan (or over scaling) is when your screen looks like it’s zoomed in. The items that typically sit at the border of your screen, like the taskbar, either don’t appear at all or don’t appear entirely. If you have this problem, we will tell you how to fix overscan in Windows […]

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December 10, 2021

Can’t Remove Bluetooth Devices on Windows 10

Removing unused Bluetooth devices on your Windows 10 PC helps you keep the device list decluttered. Sometimes, while doing so, you might come across devices you can’t remove. Even if you select the remove option, those devices continue to appear in your device list. There are various reasons a Bluetooth device won’t go away from […]

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