May 30, 2012

Uninstall and Reinstall IE in Windows 7

Internet Explorer was recently having some strange issues on my Windows 7 machine and instead of spending hours trying to figure out what was causing the problem, I decided I would just reinstall the whole thing! Well, it fixed my problem and that’s why I’m writing about it. Method 1 – Windows Features Depending on […]

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March 10, 2011

Run Old DOS Games and Programs in Windows XP, Vista, 7/8/10

Many improvements have come with the most recent versions of Windows. Unfortunately, along with these improvements, support for running certain DOS programs has been lost. For those who are attached to their old DOS software, there is hope. You can still run your favorite DOS programs using an open source DOS emulator called DOSBox. DOSBox […]

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July 15, 2010

Change the Location of User Folders in Windows

If you have an old computer or a new computer with a small SSD drive as your primary drive, you may need to periodically move data out of the default Windows user folders and onto a second hard drive or even an external drive to save space. The default folders I’m talking about are Downloads, […]

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February 27, 2010

CD or DVD Drive Won’t Eject or Open?

In the past, we have written several posts on how to burn DVD’s, how to burn Windows 7/8/10 discs, and even some stuff on Blu-ray discs. However, we have yet to post about one of the most simple things. What to do if you get a CD or DVD stuck in your computer’s optical drive […]

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February 19, 2010

Run VirtualBox from a USB Drive

Running out of hard disk space because of the virtual machines you created for running other operating systems? There is a solution that does not require increasing your internal hard disk space. Previously, we have written about how to How to install Ubuntu in VirtualBox. We have now discovered that VirtualBox is available in a […]

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