28 Tháng Tư, 2021

8 cách khắc phục cuộc gọi video trên Instagram không hoạt động


Are you trying to video call your friends on Instagram, but the call fails? Well, this is a common problem that you can face from time to time. Instagram is one of the biggest social media platforms that allow you to send messages, make video calls, and much more.

Like any other social media platform, Instagram added the video calling feature not long ago, and it allows users to Video chat with their friends and family worldwide. However, this Instagram video calling feature keeps crashing or failing for some users. Sometimes, the video chat fails due to a server error, but other times it is because of other reasons. In this guide, we will list down the methods that you can use to fix the Instagram video call not working.

8 Ways To Fix Instagram Video Calling Not Working

8 Ways To Fix Instagram Video Calling Not Working

Reasons behind Instagram video calling not working

You must know the reasons behind why you are unable to make video calls on Instagram. Some of the common reasons why your Instagram video chat fails are as follows:

  • You may not have a stable internet connection on your device. Since you require an Internet connection to make Video calls on Instagram, the video chat can fail or crash if you have a poor Wi-Fi connection.
  • It could probably be a server error on Instagram’s part.
  • You may not be following each other on Instagram. For the Instagram video call feature to work, you and the other user must follow each other.
  • You might not have granted the necessary permissions to Instagram to access your camera and microphone of your device.
  • You might accidentally enable the ‘mute video chat’ option on Instagram.

Check out the following methods that you can use to fix Instagram video chat not working on your device.

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Method 1: Check your Internet

The first thing that you should check is your Internet connection. Make sure you are getting a stable Internet connection on your device. You can re-start your Wi-Fi router and re-connect to your Internet connection.

To check your Internet speed, you can run a speed check using any third-party app or website.

Method 2: Follow and connect with users

If you are trying to make a video call on Instagram, but the video chat keeps on crashing, then there are chances that you and the other user are not following each other on Instagram.

For the Instagram video chat feature to work, you have to follow each other on the platform. In simple words, you have to follow the person you are trying to video call, and similarly, the other person has to follow you back. Therefore, to fix Instagram video chat failed, follow and connect with other users before making a video call.

Method 3: Check for new Instagram updates

If you are using the old version of Instagram, you might face issues using the video calling feature or other features on the platform. So, to fix the Instagram video call not working, you can update Instagram to the latest version.

Trên Android

1. Head to the Google Play Store and click on the hamburger icon or the three horizontal lines at the screen’s top-left corner. However, if you have updated to the new version, click on your Biểu tượng hồ sơ ở trên cùng bên phải.

Ở phía trên bên trái, bạn sẽ tìm thấy ba đường ngang. Bấm vào chúng

2. Nhấp vào Ứng dụng và trò chơi của tôi.

Go to the 'My apps and games' section.

3. Chạm vào Cập nhật tab and check if there are any updates available for Instagram.

Tap on the Updates tab and check if there are any updates available for Instagram

Trên iOS

1. Open the App store on your device.

2. Go to the updates tab from the bottom of your screen.

3. Locate and check if there are any available updates for Instagram.

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Method 4: Enable Push Notification on Instagram

If the push notifications for video chat on Instagram are turned off, you will not receive any notifications for incoming video chats. Therefore, you can enable push notifications for video chat on Instagram.

1. Open Instagram and click on your Biểu tượng hồ sơ from the bottom-right of the screen.

2. Bấm vào three horizontal lines or the hamburger icon ở góc trên bên phải của màn hình.

3. Đi đến Cài đặt.

Go to Settings | Fix Instagram Video Calling Not Working

4. Nhấp vào Thông báo.

Click on notifications

5. Đi đến Phần tin nhắn.

Go to the messages section

6. Finally, under Video Chats, select ‘From Everyone.’

Under video chats, select from everyone | Fix Instagram Video Calling Not Working

Method 5: Unmute Video Chat

You may accidentally mute the video chat for any user or group chat, and you may not receive video call notifications from that user or group chat. So, to fix Instagram video chat not working, you can follow these steps:

1. Open your Instagram and go to your phần DM.

2. Now, open the chat with the person who you wish to video call và bấm vào Biểu tượng thông tin next to the user’s name at the top.

Click on the info icon next to the user’s name at the top.

3. Cuối cùng, tắt nút chuyển đổi bên cạnh Tắt tiếng thông báo cuộc gọi to unmute the video chat.

Turn off the toggle next to mute call notifications to unmute the video chat

Method 6: Grant Permission to Access Camera and Microphone

To make video calls on Instagram, you have to grant permission to the app to access your camera and microphone.

Trên Android

You can easily grant permission to Instagram to access your camera and microphone by following these steps:

1. Đi đến Cài đặt of your device then tap on Apps.

2. Nhấp vào Quyền then again, click on Permissions.

Again, click on permissions | Fix Instagram Video Chat Not Working

3. Under app permissions, click on the máy ảnhturn on the toggle next to Instagram.

Click on the camera and turn on the toggle next to Instagram

4. Go back to the app permissions and open the microphone. Turn on the toggle next to Instagram.

Turn on the toggle next to Instagram | Fix Instagram Video Calling Not Working

Trên iOS

1. Open your Settings and go to the Privacy Section.

2. Bấm vào Máy Chụp Hình.

3. To give Instagram access to your camera, turn on the toggle next to Instagram.

4. Similarly, click on ‘Microphone’ under the privacy section and make sure you turn on the toggle next to Instagram.

Cũng đọc: Sửa lỗi không thể truy cập camera trong Instagram trên Android

Method 7: Re-install Instagram

If none of the above methods works, you can uninstall and then re-install Instagram on your device. This method was able to fix Instagram video call not working for many users.

Trên Android

  1. From your app drawer section, press and hold an Instagram app and click on Gỡ bỏ cài đặt.
  2. Now, open the Google Play Store and search Instagram in the search bar.
  3. Finally, click on install to download the app on your device.

Trên iOS

  1. Press and hold the Instagram app from your home screen until you see the X icon over the app.
  2. Click on the X icon to delete the app.
  3. Finally, Open your App store and re-install Instagram on your device.

Method 8: Contact the Help Center

The last method that you can resort to is contacting the help center on Instagram. If you are still unable to make video calls on Instagram, then it is probably because of some bug or error on Instagram’s part.

1. Công khai InstagramNhấp chuột trên của bạn Biểu tượng hồ sơ từ dưới lên.

2. Bấm vào ba đường ngang from the top-right corner of the screen and go to Cài đặt.

Chuyển đến Cài đặt

3. Nhấp vào Trợ giúp.

Click on help | Fix Instagram Video Calling Not Working

4. Bây giờ, hãy chọn Báo cáo sự cố.

5. Again, click on Report a Problem.

6. Finally, start explaining the problem in the text box given on your screen. Tap on Gửi after briefly explaining the issue.

Tap on submit after briefly explaining the issue.

Những câu hỏi thường gặp (FAQs)

Q1. Why is my Instagram video call not working?

There may be several reasons why your Instagram video call is not working. Some of the primary reasons might be because of an unstable internet connection, or you may be using the outdated version of the Instagram App. However, it could also be a server error on Instagram’s part and not your phone’s problem. You might accidentally disable the push notifications on Instagram, and that is why you may not receive any video chat notifications on your device.

Q2. Does Instagram video call have a time limit?

There is no time limit when it comes to video chats on the Instagram app. You can talk for as long as you want without any time limitations from Instagram.

Đề nghị:

Chúng tôi hy vọng rằng hướng dẫn này hữu ích và bạn có thể fix the Instagram video call not working issue. Nếu bạn vẫn có bất kỳ câu hỏi nào liên quan đến bài viết này, vui lòng hỏi họ trong phần bình luận.

Bấm vào đây để để lại bình luận bên dưới

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