How to Export Your Spotify Playlist to Excel, Text, Apple Music or Google Music

One of the things that Spotify doesn’t make easy for you is exporting your playlists to either save as back-ups in case something bad happens, or import in other services like Apple Music, Google Music or whatever.
In today’s article, I will share with you a complete guide on how to export your Spotify playlists to various servics, as well as a simple text file so that you always have a sort of a backup if anything bad happens with your account.
The fact that it’s actually so difficult to save a backup of your playlists was the reason why, for many years, I stuck to using that old school program called Winamp. Sure, it only worked on your computer, but I had the same playlists that I’ve been working on for over a decade: they were easy to save and reuse even if you changed your hardware (as long as you still had the files, which I always make sure to backup).
But with everything moving to the cloud and with us having multiple devices where we want to listen to our favorite music, I had to trade my obsolete Winamp for Spotify. And even though I never had, since using it, a problem with losing playlists or anything similar, you still want to be extra careful and have a backup.
How to export Spotify playlists to Excel CSV / Text
Spotify is great, but for some reason it doesn’t have an extremely important feature: to export your playlist or playlists as a text document or CSV file, with links to the songs (ideally).
The truth is that many people have been there, accidentally deleting a playlist they’ve been working on for a long time. You don’t want an ex with bad intentions or a child to delete your playlists… or maybe you want to have your favorite tunes available on other services.
It actually doesn’t even matter why you want to save those playlists, I am here to tell you how to do it.
Fortunately, there are some websites that offer that and we’re giving you a few options below, with the final recommendation being the one that we use the most here since we consider it to be the most complete and complex at the moment of writing this article.
So let’s not waste any time and let’s check out below how to export our Spotify playlists for free!

If you’re looking for something very basic, then this website is the perfect choice. You are allowed to log in with Spotify and export all your playlists.
There aren’t many options involved here, so you can’t select particular playlists to be exported and instead you have them all exported at once.
The file will be saved with the JSON extension which can be used directly into Spotify to import your old playlist and recover any old music files that have been deleted, or the playlists themselves.
So all in all, even though you don’t have a ton of options here, if you want a generic back-up of your Spotify playlist, it can’t get any easier than this. Just visit the website, connect to Spotify and back up everything with a click!
Spotify Playlist Export
This one has been online for a long while and even though it doesn’t look really good, it does a good job and that is what matters in the end.
You will also have the option to connect your Spotify account to this website (can’t really back up your data otherwise) and after doing so, you will get a ton of options, including the possibility to export specific playlists, get cover icons for your songs and playlists and even see when you added the songs to that particular playlist.
You can save the playlists as CSV files that are easy to open with a host of software programs out there and once you have your playlists backed up this way, you can rest assured that even if something happens with your Spotify account, you still have a backup and it will be easy to restore your music.
You can visit the website here and log in with Spotify to get it started.

Even though the previous two recommendations do a good job at backing up your data and exporting your Spotify playlists, I believe that Exportify is the best option out there. It’s extremely easy to use, free, has a nice user interface and a ton of options when it comes to exporting your music and having a back-up in case something bad happens over at Spotify.
You have the option to export public or private playlists, explore them one at a time or all together, and save the file itself as a CSV with tons of information about the music you have.
For example, for each entry on your playlist, you will get the Artist’s name and Song’s title, but also the direct URL to the Spotify page featuring that song, the date you added the track on the playlist and much more. Extremely easy to use, free and flawless.
So click here to check it out now.
How to recover deleted Spotify playlists
Probably, it happened more than once for users to mistakenly delete their Spotify playlists (or somebody with bad intentions to do it). Fortunately, Spotify itself allows you to restore your deleted playlists (and also stores them indefinitely), and it’s very easy to do:
1. First, go to your Spotify account overview in a Web Browser (doesn’t work any other way).
2. From there, simply scroll down to the “Recover playlists” option and restore any potential playlists that were deleted in the past:

This is it! Very easy!
How to export Spotify playlists to Apple Music
If you want to move over from Spotify to Apple Music, or if you use both services and you want to export your Spotify playlist to Apple Music, that’s easy to do with the help of a free to use app.
Here are the step by step instructions to do it:
1. First, install the SongShift app on your iPhone or iPad.

2. Launch the app and go into the SongShift menu. Tap the “Setup Source” button and connect the app to your Spotify account.
3. Afterwards, in the new screen, select the media type: you can move over Albums, Playlists or Songs.
4. Tap the “Setup Destination” button and this time log in using your Apple Music credentials.
5. It will take a while, but the app will move the playlist over to Apple Music. When it’s done, you will get a chance to review the songs that have been paired, but be warned that some might not make it since there are still some songs that are only available on Spotify and not Apple Music.
How to export Spotify playlists to Google Play Music
This is a bit more difficult, and the only method that I found so far is one that is not free. But the service itself is cheap ($4.5 per month if you pay monthly – you can just use it to transfer your playlist and cancel afterwards, for example; or you can pay yearly at $3 per month) and offers tons of features.
I’m talking about Soundiiz, which is platform that allows you to do many things on music-related platforms, including transferring your playlists from Spotify to Google Music.

All you have to do is to install the app provided by Soundiiz, connect your Spotify account to it, then Google Play Music, and the transfer will run in the background.
This web app is really cool as it works with multiple platforms and is extremely easy to use.
There you have them – three great options for backing up and/or exporting your Spotify playlists, from simple free apps that allow you to save playlists as text files, to more complex options that are not free.