Change Chrome Cache Size In Windows 10

Around 310 million people are using Google Chrome as their primary browser because of its reliability, ease of use, and above all, its extension base.
Google Chrome: Google Chrome is a cross-platform web browser that is developed and maintained by Google. It is freely available to download and to use. It is supported by all platforms like Windows, Linux, macOS, Android, etc. Though Google Chrome offers so much, it still bothers its users with the amount of disk space it takes to cache web items.
Cache: Cache is a software or hardware component that is used to store data and information, temporarily in a computer environment. It is frequently used by cache clients, such as CPU, applications, web browsers, or operating systems. Cache reduces data access time, which makes the system faster and more responsive.
If you have ample space in your hard disk, then allocating or sparing a few GBs for caching is no problem because caching increases the page speed. But if you have less disk space and you see that Google Chrome is taking too much space for caching, then you have to option to change cache size for Chrome in Windows 7/8/10 and free disk space.
If you are wondering, how much is your Chrome browser caching, then to know that just type “chrome://net-internals/#httpCache” in the address bar and press Enter. Here, you can see the space used by Chrome for caching just beside “Current size.” However, the size is always displayed in bytes.
Moreover, Google Chrome does not allow you to change the cache size within the settings page, but you can limit the Chrome cache size in Windows.
After checking the space occupied by Google Chrome for caching, if you feel like you need to change the cache size for Google Chrome, then follow the below steps.
As seen above, Google Chrome does not provide any option to change the cache size directly from the settings page; it is rather easy to do so in Windows. All you need to do is to add a flag to the Google Chrome shortcut. Once the flag is added, Google Chrome will limit the cache size according to your settings.
How to change Google Chrome Cache Size in Windows 10
Follow the below steps to change Google Chrome cache size in Windows 10:
1. Launch Google Chrome using a search bar or by clicking on the icon available at the desktop.
2. Once Google Chrome is launched, its icon will display at the Taskbar.
3. Right-click on the Chrome icon available at the Taskbar.
4. Then again, right-click on the Google Chrome option available in the menu that will open up.
Also Read: Fix ERR_CACHE_MISS Error in Google Chrome
5. A new Menu will open up—select the ‘Properties’ option from there.
6. Then, the Google Chrome Properties dialog box will open up. Switch to the Shortcut tab.
7. In the Shortcut tab, a Target field will be there. Add the following at the end of the file path.
8. The size you want Google chrome to use for caching (For example -disk-cache-size=2147483648).
9. The size you will mention will be in bytes. In the above example, the size that is provided is in bytes and is equal to 2GB.
10. After mentioning the cache size, click on the OK button available at the bottom of the page.
After completing the above steps, the cache size flag will be added, and you have successfully changed the cache size for the Google chrome in Windows 10. If ever you want to remove the cache limit for Google chrome, simply remove the –disk-cache-size flag, and the limit will be removed.