Fix Google Chrome Status Invalid Image Hash Error

Google Chrome is very easy to use and you can get every information possible through this. Chrome can load web pages, open many tabs, and applications with fast speed and importantly it also keeps you safe and sound with its in-built malware and phishing protection. There is no doubt that Google Chrome is one of the top choices for many users, it is used as the primary browser for work and personal use. It is a reliable and stable browser, but there are times when you get stuck with certain errors Google Chrome Status Invalid Image Hash is one of the errors that appear. This error can also be seen in Microsoft Edge too. In today’s guide, we will discuss how to fix error code status_invalid_image_hash issue.
How to Fix Google Chrome Status Invalid Image Hash Error
Many users have reported this issue on Google Chrome. They have mentioned that the error appears when they try to open a new website. This seems to be very irritating for the users to discover that they can not load any web pages through the Chrome Brower. Here are some methods that you can use to fix this error:
Method 1: Modify Chrome Compatibility Settings
The first thing you can do to fix error code status_invalid_image_hash is you can try changing the compatibility settings of Chrome and Edge and check if this resolves the issue. Follow the steps below to turn on the compatibility mode:
1. Select Properties by right-clicking on the Google Chrome desktop icon.
2. Then, select the Compatibility tab.
3. Activate the option to Run this program in compatibility mode for: by checking the box.
4. You can choose Windows 7, 8, or 10 from the drop-down menu and then, confirm your choice.
5. Now, click on Apply and then OK.
6. Then, close the browser, and launch Google Chrome again.
Method 2: Clear Cache & Cookies
All the temporary files that are stored on your browser as cache and cookies might trigger the error Google Chrome status invalid image hash. This can be the cause of the problem, clearing the cache should immediately fix it. Follow the steps mentioned below to clear the cache on Chrome and to fix Google Chrome status invalid image hash error. To do so read out our guide on How to Clear Cache & Cookies.
Also Read: Fix Shockwave Flash Crashes in Chrome
Method 3: Disable Extensions
You might be experiencing the error as a result of some of your browser extensions. You can disable some or all of your extensions to see if that helps to resolve the issue. You can experiment to determine which extension is the source of your issue. Follow the steps below to Disable extensions:
1. Click the More icon on Chrome browser.
2. Select More Tools and go to Extensions.
3. Then, turn off the toggle for all extensions.
4. Close the browser and relaunch it to check if the error still occurs.
Method 4: Add no-sandbox Command
You can use the command no-sandbox to turn off the Chrome Sandbox which could be the reason for interfering with the smooth running of the browser, follow the steps mentioned below to fix Google Chrome status invalid image hash error.
1. Right-click the Chrome icon on your desktop and select Properties.
2. Select the Shortcut tab.
3. Go to the end of the path link in the Target box and add –no-sandbox.
Note: Make sure to place a space between the command’s first hyphen and the.exe portion of the path.
4. Save changes by clicking Ok and Apply and close the Properties windows.
5. Now, you have relaunch the Chrome browser and see if the error still exists.
Also Read: Fix Google Chrome Frequently Visited Sites Missing
Method 5: Add Registry Key Via Command Prompt
Though the key can be added using the Registry Editor, it is way better and easier in the command prompt rather than in Registry Editor. Although make sure that Google Chrome is not running in the background. Follow the steps below to add the registry key in Google Chrome and fix invalid executable file image security hash error:
1. Type Command Prompt in Windows search bar.
2. Select Run as administrator option.
3. Type the following command and Press Enter Key.
REG ADD “HKLMSoftwarePoliciesGoogleChrome” /v RendererCodeIntegrityEnabled /t REG_DWORD /d 0
4. Once the process is completed, close the command prompt and launch Google Chrome and confirm if this fixes the error or not.
Method 6: Update Computer Policy
There might be times when your outdated computer policy could be the reason behind the error. Follow the steps below to update to fix invalid executable file image security hash error:
1. Launch Command Prompt as administrator.
2. Here, type the gupdate /force command and press Enter key.
This will update your computer policy. You can restart your computer and check if the error is been resolved, if not move on to the next method.
Also Read: Fix Chrome Blocking Download Issue
Method 7: Reactivate all Microsoft Services
If the above method didn’t work for you then you can try this fix this may help you to load web pages on Google Chrome. Follow the steps to perform this fix error code status_invalid_image_hash problem.
1. Press the Windows key, type System Configuration, then click on Open.
2. Select the Services tab in the freshly opened windows and select the Hide all Microsoft Services checkbox.
3. To deactivate all Microsoft Services, choose the Disable all option now.
4. Click on Ok and Apply when finished.
5. Finally, reboot the PC.
Once the system restarts, you have to follow the same steps above and Enable all the services once again.
Method 8: Update Drivers
Outdated drivers can also be the reason for the error Google Chrome status invalid image hash. Especially, if the drivers are connected to a specific application. Therefore, you need to make sure that all the devices are updated with proper drivers. Here is Our guide on How to Update Device Driver on Windows 10.
Also Read: How to Perform Chrome Openload Fix
Method 9: Disable Antivirus Temporarily (If Applicable)
When there is an Antivirus program on your computer it blocks certain applications which leads to many errors. And one such error is Google Chrome status invalid image hash. Under these situations, you should make sure that the application you are trying to run is not blocked by any Antivirus programs. You can disable your Antivirus software temporarily. Here is our guide on How to Disable Antivirus Temporarily on Windows 10.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1. What is Renderer code integrity?
Ans. Google added the renderer code integrity feature to Chrome 78 specifically for Windows 10 to stop unsigned code from taking over Chrome’s page rendering operations. In general, this was created to prevent the majority of viruses from altering how Chrome’s pages to load.
Q2. What causes Chrome Aw snap error?
Ans. Your device might have run out of memory, and it can’t load the site while also running your apps. Free up memory: Close each tab except for the one which is showing the error message. Quit all the other apps that are running, and pause any file downloads or apps.
Q3. What are the different ways to fix an invalid image hash?
Ans. There are many methods through which you can fix this error all of them are mentioned above. You can go through the article we hope that these fixes can help you to tackle the Google Chrome error code status_invalid_image_hash.
Most people use the Google Chrome browser as their primary browser. It is very easy to manage for everyone for work and also for personal use. But as we know nothing is perfect in this world. It is also the same for the Google Chrome browser. Sometimes, you may encounter some errors. We have tried to share some of the easiest and most valid methods through which you can fix the error Google Chrome status invalid image hash.