August 23, 2022

How to Fix Error 0x3a98 in WlanReport

How to Fix Error 0x3a98 in WlanReport

WlanReport is a command that can be used in CMD to bring up a detailed report of wireless network connections used to date. This info is great when troubleshooting network connections as it lets you view detailed information on different network sessions. Sometimes, when users try to run WlanReport through CMD, they get an error 0x3a98. This error arises from this command. The reasons for this issue can be due to various reasons. If you are searching the internet about how to solve this issue, you are at the right article. Here, we show you methods to resolve error 0x3a98 when generating WlanReport via CMD. Let’s get started to fix error message 0x3a98.

How to Fix Error 0x3a98 in WlanReport

How to Fix Error 0x3a98 in WlanReport

Before we see methods on how to fix the issue, let us see some of the causes of the issue.

  • Faulty network adapters
  • Incompatible Windows drivers
  • Conflicting antivirus
  • Administrative access issues
  • Latest Windows update issues

Method 1: Run with Administrator Access

WlanReport error message 0x3a98 can be due to not granting the administrator access to the CMD while executing the WlanReport command. Follow the below steps:

1. Press the Windows keys, type Command Prompt, then click on Run as administrator.

Open Command Prompt as Administrator

2. Type the following command and hit the Enter key to see if the error is fixed

netsh wlan show WlanReport

netsh wlan show WlanReport command

Method 2: Troubleshoot Network Connectivity Problems

There is an in-built Windows Troubleshooter which diagnoses any problems related to networks. This troubleshooter fixes the problem with the network. It can also resolve Error 0x3a98 when generating WlanReport via CMD.

Read our guide on How to Troubleshoot Network Connectivity Problems on Windows 10 and implement all the methods listed below to resolve the issue.

  • Run Network Adapter troubleshooter
  • Change network adapter settings
  • Reset TCP/IP
  • Restart or reset modem and router

Run Network Adapter troubleshooter. How to Fix Error 0x3a98 in WlanReport

Also Read: Fix the Wireless Autoconfig Service wlansvc Is Not Running in Windows 10

Method 3: Temporarily Disable Antivirus (If Applicable)

Users reported that error 0x3a98 also occurs due to a third-party software controlling network data exchange. This is mostly because of antivirus software installed on the computer. To resolve this issue, you can try disabling the real-time security of the antivirus to see if it solves the problem.

Read our guide on How to Disable Antivirus Temporarily on Windows 10 and implement the same.

Disable Antivirus Temporarily

Method 4: Reinstall Network Driver

In case your computer is recently updated, it may be possible that your network adapter driver is also updated, and error 0x3a98 might be due to the driver installed. In that case, you may need to uninstall the network adapter driver and reinstall it. When you uninstall a network adapter, the uninstalled driver is installed automatically by Windows after a computer reboot.

Follow our guide on How to Uninstall and Reinstall Drivers on Windows 10 and implement the same for reinstalling network adapters.

Reinstall Network Adapter

Also Read: Fix Computers Not Showing Up on Network in Windows 10

Method 5: Uninstall Recent Windows Update

Windows Updates the drivers frequently to ensure the hardware works well and the functionality is still in good shape. Windows automatically downloads and installs new drivers for all of your existing drivers. If at any time, after a Windows update, you experience error 0x3a98, the updated version must be incompatible with your network adapter. You can uninstall that latest Windows update driver to see if that fixes the problem.

1. Hit the Windows key, type Control Panel, and click on Open.

open Control Panel. How to Fix Error 0x3a98 in WlanReport

2. Set View by > Category, then click on Uninstall a program option under the Programs menu as depicted.

click on Uninstall a program option under the Programs

3. Click on View installed updates in the left pane as shown.

Click on View installed updates. How to Fix Error 0x3a98 in WlanReport

4. Next, search and select the most recent update by referring to the Installed On date and clicking on Uninstall option as shown below.

search and select the most recent update by referring to the Installed On date and clicking on Uninstall option

5. Finally, confirm any prompt and restart the PC.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. What is Error 0x3a98?

Ans. The error occurs when a Windows user executes WlanReport via CMD. The causes can be due to various reasons such as network interferences, insufficient administrator privileges, and so on. Read the article above to find out more.

Q2. Is it safe to reset the network?

Ans. A Network reset is safe, as it refreshes the IP address and restores other network settings to the default state.


We hope that this guide was helpful and you were able to fix error 0x3a98 on your system. Let us know which of the method worked best for you. Feel free to reach out to us with your queries and suggestions via the comments section below. Also, let us know what you want to learn next.