Is Snapchat Being Deleted? – TechCult

Are you also wondering if is Snapchat being deleted? If so, you are not alone, as users across the world are in full panic due to these rumors. Even though the company hasn’t explained, some individuals believe that the deletion of accounts is a result of the program being used to spread obscene information. Continue reading this article to know why is Snapchat getting deleted and can your Snapchat get banned. You will also learn what is the world’s longest Snapchat streak.
Is Snapchat Being Deleted?
Continue reading this article to know everything you need about whether Snapchat creators are deleting the app or not.
Who Owns Snapchat?
Evan Spiegel, Bobby Murphy, and Reggie Brown established the American camera and social media firm Snap Inc. on September 16, 2011, with its headquarters in Santa Monica, California. 95% of the voting shares are jointly owned by the founders.
What is the World’s Longest Snapchat Streak?
The world’s longest Snapchat streak is 2700. As of September 2022, Hannah Garrett and Lauren have the record for the longest Snapchat streak (2700+), which has been seen thus far.
How Safe is Snapchat?
Snapchat is safe, depending on the usage. Snapchat employs various safety and protection techniques for its users. On snaps shared between its users, Snapchat employs end-to-end encryption. The same encryption is not used to safeguard text messages or other types of messages transmitted via Snapchat.
Also Read: Can Snapchat be Traced?
How Much is Snapchat Worth Now?
A $1.07 billion valuation has been attributed to Snapchat based on its sales, income, assets, and liabilities during the last three years. Calculating a company’s net worth takes into account facts like assets and revenue and is based on the balance sheets and income statements of the company’s past three fiscal years.
Are They Ever Gonna Delete Snapchat?
It depends on the creators of the app. As of now, there is no update on Snapchat deleting their app. There were rumors of Snapchat deleting the app altogether, after the last update. According to several sources, Snapchat continues to be unprofitable and is missing out on a sizable portion of the senior population. But new improvements and features are seen in Snapchat ever since.
Is Snapchat Being Deleted?
No, Snapchat is not being deleted right now.
Why is Snapchat Getting Deleted?
There is no official update of Snapchat being deleted. Since October 2012, the photo-sharing app Snapchat has grown to be a favorite among millennials and members of Generation Z all across the world. Users all across the world, however, are in full panic due to new rumors that Snapchat is being shut down. Accounts on Snapchat were rumored to be deleted in 2022. Despite the fact that the company hasn’t provided an explanation, some individuals believe that the deletion of accounts is a result of the program being used to spread inappropriate information.
What is Wrong with Your Snapchat?
Netizens often face difficulty to narrow down a particular reason why a social media app is behaving irrationally. Likewise, in this case, here are the possible reasons:
- Snapchat is facing server downtime– The first thing to keep in mind is that Snapchat could not be working for anyone if it isn’t working for you. This happens when the app is facing server downtime.
- You have not updated the app– The majority of the time, running an outdated version of an app is not good. It can occasionally cause problems, especially when big changes are made to programs.
- Troubleshoot your internet connection– If your router or modem is not working correctly, you will face internet connectivity issues. Accordingly, this can hamper the normal functioning of certain apps.
- Unauthorized plugins and applications– If Snapchat notices the usage of unapproved third-party plugins or applications, the warning “Could Not Connect” may appear when you try to log in.
- You have not disabled VPN– Some Snapchat users who connect to Snapchat over a VPN may experience difficulties signing up for an account or checking in.
- The Snapchat account is restricted– There are several reasons why a Snapchat account could become restricted. If your Snapchat account is locked, you can’t log in. This is carried out in order to safeguard the account and maintain everyone’s access to a pleasant and secure Snapchat experience.
- Outdated OS version– The functionality of several apps, including Snapchat, may be impacted if your phone’s operating system needs to be updated.
- Insufficient storage– Snapchat can constantly be crashing if there isn’t enough storage on your phone or tablet, especially if you need to save images to the app.
Also Read: What is the New Snapchat Update?
How Do You Delete Your Snapchat?
There can be many reasons why a user decides to delete their Snapchat account. Here are the steps you need to follow:
Method1: For iOS Users
1. Open the Snapchat app on your iOS device.
Note: Make sure you are logged into your account.
2. Tap on your profile icon from the top left corner.
3. Next, tap on the Settings gear icon.
4. Swipe down and tap on Delete Account.
5. Once the app redirects you to Snapchat Log In webpage, enter your Username and Password.
6. Finally, confirm your deletion action and wait for the confirmation email.
Also Read: How to Recover Deleted Snapchat Account After 30 Days
Method 2: For Android/Website Users
1. Visit the Snapchat Accounts Portal on your browser.
2. Enter the Username/email address and Password and tap on CONTINUE.
3. Now, Snapchat will delete your account permanently after 30 days.
Can Your Snapchat Get Banned?
Yes, your Snapchat can get banned. If Snapchat has banned your account, it may be because they have found activity on your account that is against their Community Guidelines or Terms of Service. This is carried out to make the app secure for everyone.
There is no doubt that Snapchat is one of the most preferred social media platforms in today’s world. It is fun, exciting, and easy to use. We hope that this guide was helpful and you were able to know if is Snapchat being deleted and what is the world’s longest Snapchat streak. Feel free to reach out to us with your queries and suggestions via the comments section below. Also, let us know what you want to learn about next.