November 22, 2016

Fix Windows Update Error Code 8024A000

The Windows Update Error Code 8024A000 means WU E AU NO SERVICE. This is translated as AU was unable to service incoming AU calls. I would like for you to perform general Troubleshooting steps for Windows Update. The following outlines how to stop services pertaining to Windows Update, rename system folders, register-related DLL files, and […]

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November 22, 2016

How to save your bandwidth in windows 10

How to save your bandwidth in windows 10: Windows 10 introduces the Windows Update Delivery Optimization feature, wherein your computer may get updates from or send updates to neighboring computers or computers on your network. This is done with the help of peer-to-peer connections. Although this would mean that you get updates much faster, it would […]

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November 21, 2016

Fix Windows 10 activation error 0x8007007B or 0x8007232B

Fix Windows 10 activation error 0x8007007B or 0x8007232B: Activation servers are being overwhelmed at the moment because of the volume of upgrades, so give it sometimes if you get an error message such as (0x8007232b or 0x8007007B, 0XC004E003, 0x8004FC12, 0x8007000D, 0x80004005) Windows 10 will eventually activate as long as you upgrade using the appropriate method. Fix Windows 10 activation […]

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November 20, 2016

Fix Cannot create key error writing to the registry

Fix Cannot create key error writing to the registry: You do not have the requisite permission to create a new key The operating system will not allow you to make changes in certain system critical registry keys. Nevertheless, if you want to make changes even in such registry keys, you will have to take full […]

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November 19, 2016

How to install Group Policy editor (gpedit.msc)

How to install Group Policy editor (gpedit.msc): This Error ‘Windows cannot find gpedit.msc.Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again’ is faced by users who are having basic, policystarter or home premium Installed Windows versions which don’t come up with support for Policy editor.Group Policy editor feature is provided with Only Professional, Enterprise […]

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